Saturday, May 23, 2020
Human Life And Broader Nature - 865 Words
Gender roles have always existed to some extent throughout history, and it has been a stepping stone of human life and broader nature. In the Greek society women were not allowed to impede in politics or any matter other than their household work, yet the goddess of marriage and birth, Hera, defies all of the rules. Hera’s jealousy, trickery, and temper creates unwanted havoc, thus making her a significant character in The Iliad. Hera is an exceedingly determined goddess and will go to any lengths to get what she wants, which is helping the Greeks win. Her personality, as a whole, is very persuasive. She even convinced the goddess of love Aphrodite, who both are hostile towards each other, to help her out. My dear child,...will you do†¦show more content†¦Equipped with this symbol of femininity, Hera successfully seduces Zeus and distracts him long enough for the Greeks to triumph, though briefly, over the Trojans. Moreover, Hera tends to cast herself in the role of the dutiful and obedient wife as a defense mechanism when faced with Zeus’ rage. After the seduction incident, when Zeus threatens her with a harsh punishment for her scheme, Hera is quick to assure him that â€Å"I’d be the first to†¦ take your lead, Zeus, wherever you command, my king of the black cloud!†, despite Zeus having earlier referred to her as â€Å"uncontrollable†and treacherous, Hera acts her submissive role so convincingly that he quickly forgives her: he even promises to bring eventual victory to the Achaeans, which Hera had wanted all along. Hera is an immensely devious person she uses her words to influence those around her, which is a very gender-neutral talent which she masters. Hera, with her insightful position between her fellow goddesses, has a deep sense of understanding, and knows when to drop her plans or change them as needed, and this shrewd adaptability, focused on her unwavering support of the Achaeans, allows her to ultimately guide them to victory. When the gods start fighting amongst each other in Book 20, Hera manages to hold her own. Several times, she takes on the more masculine role of fighting in person, rather than
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Spiral of Silence - 1738 Words
Public communication is very important when in a discussion with coworkers and such. The one weakness that some people run into is silence. The spiral of silence theory by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann explains why certain people fall under the pressure and seclude to silence. Silence may not always be a bad thing, but according to a study by Lucy J. MacGregor, the fact is that silence during a speech or conversation is absolutely bad. With this, silence while talking to a large group negatively affects the listeners in a way in which some words in the speech will not be remembered. The point is that silence tends to destroy people’s speeches. Words are forgotten in the speech; Loss of the attention by the listeners happens and the†¦show more content†¦In every high school, there are the jocks, the band, the nerds, the people on drugs, the religious and so on and so forth. Some of these groups were known as the popular group and some were known as the creeps. These names t hat are given to the groups still happen in everyday life when you are older and this also affects whether or not the person will speak up about a certain topic. When certain groups have to keep secrets from other groups for safety reasons, this does not help the silence situation at all. The fact that groups are keeping secrets from others means that they do not trust anyone else which forces groups into silence and they cannot voice their opinion anymore. The Spiral of Silence has a key voice in the workplace, which involves the use of presentations. One thing affected by the listener not wanting to support the speaker is the fact of whether or not the listener is actually paying attention (Denham-Vaughan 7). It has been said that listeners are more than likely to lose their attention when there is a break in the speech by the speaker. When this happens, the listener is more than likely going to jumble up sentences together and guess the wrong word to finish the current statement that the speaker broke the pause with. This happens because the train of thought is said to be interrupted and lose focus on the certain topic. Viewing the eyes and seeing the horizontal and vertical movementShow MoreRelatedSpiral of Silence Theory2121 Words  | 9 PagesSpiral of Silence Theory Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann’s spiral of silence is a theory that was developed in 1974 and as the founder and the director of the Public Opinion Research Center in Allensbach in Germany; she has found evidence of how the spread of public opinion is formed. The term spiral of silence refers to the increasing pressure people feel to conceal their views they think they are the minority. People will be unwilling to publicly express their opinion if they are in the minority andRead MorePsychology And The Theory Of Psychology999 Words  | 4 Pagesestablish observations that could be refutable (30). Unfortunately, I cannot conduct an experiment to gather evidence. I will however use previous psychological knowledge and statistics in this paper to evaluate the spiral of silence. Asch experiment/Conformity? The spiral of silence is a mass communication theory proposed by the German political scientist Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann. The theory states that if individuals feel as if they are in the minority they will be less likely to voice theirRead More The Impact of My Favorite Form of Media in Mass Communication1545 Words  | 7 Pages There are many mass communication theories conveyed up through the media world, but I sense a few do relate to my chosen form of media. There are three certain mass communication theories that contribute to my impact on this form of media: Spiral of Silence Theory, Agenda Setting Theory and the Hypodermic Needle Theory. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives persuades me to cook and appreciate cooking and food. Being married, I believe it’s an abundant deal for the wife to cook and cook well for theRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Mass Media1578 Words  | 7 PagesTheory the Spiral of Silence theory created by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann is acknowledged. The following quote explains exactly how this theory works, â€Å"†¦spiral of silence refers to the increasing pressure people feel to conceal their views when they think they are in the minority.†(Griffin 372). The book goes on to reveal that the driving factor behind the Spiral of Silence theory is no other than the fear an individual has from isolation (see Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann’s Spiral of SilenceRead MoreGratification Theory Mass Media1585 Words  | 7 Pagesand gratification. The spiral of silence theory and the uses and gratification theory both give convincing and detailed explanations that link the media and the audience. There is a likeness in both but there are also many difference between the two. After reviewing each theory and proving examples that relate to each, I will then follow by examining the differences between the two and ways they complement one another. Elizabeth Noelle-Newman’s theory the spiral of silence (SST) explains the long-termRead MoreHow Mass Communication Approach Can Change Into Perspective1504 Words  | 7 Pagesof the method of study, as if quantitative and qualitative method has been use. Also there major theories being use addresses the process that communication that being taking place some of these are Cultivation Theory, Agenda-Setting Theory, Spiral of Silence Theory, including the media ecology in there as well. There is also professional organization that is using for into this particular field of mass communication. On the given example, two form of media that can affect any certain individual lifeRead MoreInfluence and Power of Mass Media1311 Words  | 6 Pagesinformation by people with higher socioeconomic status and those with lower and as a result created a concept of a knowledge gap. Finally, Noelle-Neemann explored the way public opinion forms and changes over the time and came up with a mo del of the spiral of silence. The mass media undoubtedly has a huge potential for widespread influence. Both Noelle-Neemann and Fearing agree on its power and abilities. Fearing (1954, p.166) seems to be astonished saying that a message emanating from a â€Å"single source†Read MorePublic Opinion Is the Most Significant Agency Influence Public Opinion1034 Words  | 5 Pages That is a lot of factors that why mass media can shaped the public opinion such as wide coverage, credibility, meet our needs and social influences. The first factors is wide coverage, according to mass communication theory, which is the spiral of silence theory created by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann is individuals who think their opinion conflicts with the opinions of most other people tend to remain silent on an issue, (Cutlip Center’s Effective Public Relations, Tenth Edition. GLEN M. BROOM)Read MoreSocial Media Is A Form Of Political Activism765 Words  | 4 Pagesout against tyranny and to help candidates that they believe in. References Hampton, K.; Rainie, L.; Lu, W.; Dwyer, M.; Shin, I.; Purcell, K. (2014). â€Å"Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence.’†Pew Research Center. Retrieved August 9, 2015 from CBC. (2015, Septmeber 28). Liberal candidate Maria Manna steps down over Facebook posts questioning 9/11. Retrieved from CBC News - British Colombia: MoreMedia Bias Of The United States1389 Words  | 6 Pagesof himself, and the less he will be inclined to express his opinion. (Noelle-Neumann) The man who become uncertain often falls silent. This is the theory of the spiral of silence. That minority opinions don’t get represented because those who hold them fear social isolation, and thus their opinion never gets heard. When the spiral of silence is applied to the huge population of the United States of America, this can lead to media bias. If the opposition to a view or event doesn’t speak up, journalists
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Auditing Burlingham Bees Essay - 1591 Words
Burlingham Bees 1. AU 329 a. Based on the standards, describe the guidelines for developing an expectation and conducting analytical procedures when those procedures are intended to provide substantive evidence (para. 9-22). i. .09 Reliance on substantive tests: may be derived from tests of detail, from analytical procedures, or from a combination of both. The decision about which procedure to use is based on the auditor’s judgment. ii. .10 Level of assurance: analytical procedure may provide effective level of assurance for some assertions, but some of the assertions may be more effective to reach desired level of assurance by using test of details. iii. .11 Identifying potential misstatement: identifying†¦show more content†¦Monthly amounts will generally be more effective than annual amounts and comparisons by location or line of business usually will be more effective than company-wide comparisons. The level of detail that is appropriate will be influenced by the nature of the client, its size and its complexity. Generally, the risk that material misstatement could be obscured by offsetting factors increases as a clients operations become more complex and more diversified. Disaggregation helps reduce this risk. 2. a) Develop a precise expectation, using the detailed or disaggregated data provided, for ticket revenues for the 2008 fiscal year. Weekend 25% more than weekday: X= weekday attendance per game 1.25 X = weekend attendance per game 10% more attendance with promotion Weekday attendance= (7*1.1*X)+(43-7)*X=43.7 X Weekend attendance= (10*1.25X*1.1)+(29-10)*1.25X=37.5X Attendance equation= [(7*1.1*X)+(43-7)*X]+[(10*1.25X*1.1)+(29-10)*1.25X]=434348=total attendance X= =434348/81.2=5349.1133 43 + 29 = 72 games in 2008. 434348/72 = 6,032 people per game 6032 X .25 = 1508 1508 + 6032 = 7540 ( 25% increase in weekend games) 7540 (29) + X (43) = 434348 X = 5016 (avg. attendance per weekday game) total sales per weekday game: 5,016 * .30 = 1,504.8 * 10 = 15,048 5,517.6 * .30 = 1,655.28 * 10 = 16,552.8 5,016 * .35 = 1,755.6 * 6 = 10,533.6 5,517.6 * .35 = 1,931.16 * 6 = 11,586.96 5,016 * .20 = 1,003.2 * 4 = 4,012.8 5,517.6 *Show MoreRelated8.3: Burlingham Bees1075 Words  | 5 Pages8.3: Burlingham Bees Using Analytical Procedures as Substantive Tests Using Analytical Procedures as Substantive Tests 1. The requirements related to developing an expectation and conducting analytical procedures when those procedures are intended to provide substantive evidence is provided by the reorganized Audit Standard 2305 Substantive Analytical Procedures effective December 31, 2016 in the following list: a. â€Å"Analytical procedures are an important part of the audit processRead Morewall board12806 Words  | 52 Pages9 Auditing Cash and Revenues C A S ES INC LU DE D IN T HIS SE CTION 9.1 Wally’s Billboard Sign Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 The Audit of Cash 9.2 Henrico Retail, Inc. Understanding the IT Accounting System and Identifying Audit Evidence for Retail Sales 9.3 Longeta Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Auditing Revenue Contracts 9.4 Bud s Big Blue Manufacturing Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagescareers in technology, engineering, and law. In college, students with a knowing style tend to major in the physical sciences, engineering, law, and computers. In business, they tend to select careers in areas where numbers and data predominate (e.g., auditing, ï ¬ nance), and they prefer jobs that have a technical problem-solving emphasis (Kolb, Boyatzis, Mainemelis, 2000; Cool Van den Broeck, 2007). Planning Style Individuals who score high on the planning style are inclined toward structure, preparation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Indifference What Does It Do - 2061 Words
â€Å"Indifference: What Does it Do?†We were engendered to live and interact with others because that’s what makes our lives consequential. In our world, there are many perpetual malefactions of human suffering that cadge for people’s attention. Surprisingly, not many of us avail others in any way, shape, or form and that might be due to different factors that circumvent us. Sundry authors distributed their opinion through articles and documentaries about the causes and effects of human suffering. During times of distress and suffering, people often times react in an unresponsive and careless manner which results in reinforcing the enemy, and perpetrators of iniquity. Due to†¦show more content†¦Jeanna Bryner, the managing editor of Live Science relinquished an article called â€Å"Human Suffering: Why We Care (or Don’t)†in order to explicate the different factors that affect our decisions in availing or not. One of the fascinating reason s mentioned was â€Å"To make any difference in Darfur†¦ a person would have to make a much longer-term commitment that could be quite taxing, physically and monetarily.†(par. 17). Bryner expounded that in order to avail others, we need to give up an abundance of time in our lives, and not everyone can do that. Availing others can additionally be hazardous, for example, if we wanted to avail people in Darfur who are under a perpetual genocide, we might have to peregrinate there and there’s an immensely colossal chance of losing our lives. A plethora of times it is physically arduous to avail others. To us the benefit of staying home with our families and having a stable life largely affects our decision of availing others. All those societal factors make us act nonchalant to human suffering, but they are not the only reasons to why we act the way we do. Biological influences such as the chemistry of our body and the psychology of our mind are additionally factors that contribute to our insouciance. Pete Reinwald, the Deputy Editor of Chicago Tribune indited anShow MoreRelatedIndifference Essay761 Words  | 4 PagesIndifference is the lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. Indifference tells of how people throughout history will turn their backs on certain situations and injustices that are happening in front of them. The United States of America is one of the main offenders of indifference occurring in their society and government. The U.S. continually shows indifference in the way the people treat others, both in their own country and foreign ones. The states show indifference by acting and showing racismRead More Essay on Camus’ The Stranger (The Outsider): Meursault’s Indifference1455 Words  | 6 PagesMeursault’s Indifference in The Stranger (The Outsider)  The language in The Stranger (The Outsider) is strikingly simple. The sentences are molded to fit their function. They state what Meursault, the narrator believes. More importantly, their structure conveys Meursault’s feelings. His feelings are a prominent focal point of the novel. With all of the varying emotions and feelings he has throughout the story, there is one general term that can be applied to them all: indifferent. MeursaultRead MoreDiction In The Perils Of Indifference By Elie Wiesel889 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Perils of Indifference†by Elie Wiesel, explains the true and utter horror of indifference. There is a clear emphasis on the morality exhibited in the act as well as the disappointment in the US government’s ability to respond to such a horrible act. It is obvious that Wiesel establishes tones of morality, condescendingness, and caution through diction, imagery, as well as syntax used in the speech. Although Wiesel describes how indiffe rence has a massive effect on the victims even though byRead MoreRhetoric And The Perils Of Indifference By Elie Wiesel1069 Words  | 5 PagesRhetoric Observed in The Perils of Indifference Elie Wiesel, distinguished author and Holocaust survivor, spoke of his experience at the Millennium event in 1999. This event was hosted by President Clinton where Wiesel spoke about his experience in the Holocaust to commemorate the closing Millennium. Aside from this great honor, Elie Wiesel worked at Boston University for some time and acquired many medals of recognition such as The United States Congressional Medal as well as starting The ElieRead MoreECO2103 Tutorial 51105 Words  | 5 PagesHow do they differ? c) Why budget line has a negative slope? What does the slope of the budget line equal? d) What is an indifference curve? e) Why do consumers prefer higher indifference curves (farther to the right) to lower indifference curves? f) In an indifference curve/budget line framework, how does a consumer decide which of all possible combinations of goods to purchase? g) Describe the consumer equilibrium in the indifference curve/budget line model. h) In a budget line/indifference curveRead MoreMusà ©e des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden Essay1106 Words  | 5 Pagesperceptions and how we use them to observe, or block out human suffering. While we are doing ordinary things like eating, or opening a window, bad things can be happening to others and it is as easy as looking up, to see what is actually going on. Auden illustrates societies’ indifference to human suffering through the form of his poem and by alluding to artwork that compares human perceptions and juxtaposes ordinary images with images of suffering and tragedy. The form of Musà ©e des Beaux Arts playsRead MoreIndifference By Elie Wiesel1491 Words  | 6 PagesThere is no question as to whether or not an author can influence their reader’s emotions. It is something that most people experience at some point or another through fictional novels or a biography, or a speech. The question is how do they do it and why. Through their use of stories and word choice authors are able to heighten emotional intensity in order to manipulate the reader into feeling certain emotions. In a paper or speech where authors are trying to persuade, authors create these emotionsRead MoreElie Wiesels Speech : The Perils Of Indifference1340 Words  | 6 Pageswho could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph†Throughout millennia, despite many differences in language, cultural, and social structures, humans all deve loped the same characteristics like, for one; their approach in tragedies happening around the world. When responding to tragedies, humans can either be aghast, furious, and eager to do whatever they can to helpRead MoreThe Perils Of Indifference By Elie Wiesel1306 Words  | 6 Pagesthose who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph†. Throughout millennia, despite many differences in language, cultural, and social structures, humans all developed the same characteristics in their approach in tragedies happening around the world. When responding to tragedies, humans can either be aghast, furious, and eager to do whatever they can to help or theyRead MoreEssay Voltaire’s Candide1318 Words  | 6 Pagesidea that there is nothing anyone can do about human outcomes. He upholds his belief that practical ways of solving problems gener ate improvement. He believes that human indifference and inaction cause suffering to carry on. Voltaire’s believes that naà ¯ve optimism, absolute pessimism, cruel indifference, and lack of reason hinder positive and constructive change. Pangloss is a major representation of the optimistic philosophy of life. This naà ¯ve optimism does not promote the improvement of conditions
Scope of Managerial Economics Free Essays
Q1. Yes. Firms represent a combination of people, physical assets, and information (financial, technical, marketing, and so on). We will write a custom essay sample on Scope of Managerial Economics or any similar topic only for you Order Now People directly involved include stockholders, managers, workers, suppliers, and customers. Businesses use scarce resources that would otherwise be available for other purposes, pay income and other taxes, provide employment opportunities, and are responsible for much of the material well-being of our society. Thus, all of society is indirectly involved in the firm’s operation. Firms exist because they are useful in the process of allocating resources –producing and distributing goods and services. As such, they are basically economic entities Q2. A. The most direct effect of a requirement to install new pollution control equipment would be an increase in the operating cost component of the valuation model. Secondary effects might be expected in the discount rate due to an increase in regulatory risk, and in the revenue function if consumers react positively to the installation of the pollution control equipment in production facilities. B. All three major components of the valuation model–the revenue function, cost function, and the discount rate–are likely to be affected by an increase in advertising. Revenues and cost will both increase as output is expanded. The discount rate may be affected if the firm’s profit outlook changes significantly because of increased demand (growth) or if borrowing is necessary to fund a rapid expansion of plant and equipment to meet increased demand. C. The primary effect of newer and more efficient production equipment is a reduction in the total cost component of the valuation model. Secondary effects on firm revenues could also be important if lower costs make price reductions possible and result in an increase in the quantity demanded of the firm’s products. Likewise, the capitalization rate or discount factor can be affected by the firm’s changing prospects. D. The time pattern of revenues is affected by such a pricing decision to raise prices in the near term. This will alter production relationships and investment plans, and affect the valuation model through the cost component and capitalization factor. E. A general lowering of interest rates leads to a reduction in the cost of capital or discount rate in the valuation model. F. Higher rates of inflation, leading to an increase in the discount rate, cause the present value of a constant income stream to decline. Unless the firm is able to increase product prices in order to maintain profit margins, the value of the firm falls as inflation and the discount rate increases. Of course, the economic effects of inflation on the economic value of the firm are complex, involving both asset and liability valuations, so determining the overall effect of inflation on the economic value of individual firms is a difficult task Q3. The economic profit concept provides the most appropriate basis for evaluating the operations of a business since it allows for a risk-adjusted normal rate of return on all capital devoted to the enterprise. Even when business profits are substantial, economic profits can sometimes be negative given the effects of risk, inflation, and other factors. Substantial business profits are no guarantee to the growth, or even maintenance, of capital investment. In actual practice, investors adjust reported accounting data to account for additional factors that must be considered Q4. A. Interesting perspective on the characteristics of wonderful businesses has been given by legendary Wall Street investors T. Rowe Price and Warren E. Buffett. The late T. Rowe Price was founder of Baltimore-based T. Rowe Price and Associates, Inc. , one of the largest no-load mutual fund organizations in the United States, and the father of the â€Å"growth stock†theory of investing. According to Price, attractive growth stocks have low labor costs, superior research to develop products and new markets, a high rate of return on stockholder’s equity (ROE), elevated profit margins, rapid earnings per share (EPS) growth, lack cutthroat competition, and are comparatively immune from regulation. Omaha’s Warren E. Buffett, the billionaire head of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. , also looks for companies that have strong franchises and enjoy pricing flexibility, high ROE, high cash flow, owner-oriented management, and predictable earnings that are not natural targets of regulation. Like Price, Buffett has profited enormously through his investments. To apply Price’s and Buffett’s investment criteria successfully, business managers and investors must be sensitive to fundamental economic and demographic trends. Perhaps the most obvious of these is the aging of the population. Health-care demands will continue to soar. In recognition of this fact, investors have bid up the shares of companies offering prescription drugs, health care, and health-care cost containment (e. g. , home health agencies). Perhaps less obvious is that an aging and increasingly wealthy population will save growing amounts for their children’s education and retirement. This bodes well for mutual fund operators, insurance companies, and other firms that offer distinctive financial services. As the overall population continues to enjoy growing income, spending on leisure activities is apt to grow; companies that offer distinctive goods and services in this area will do well. Helping well-heeled customers have fun has always been a good business. Productivity enhancement to combat economic stagnation is also likely to be a major thrust during the coming decade. In this area, it is perhaps easier to pick likely beneficiaries of emerging technologies than it is to chart the future course of technical advance. For example, catalog retailers, long-distance and cellular phone companies, and credit card providers are all major beneficiaries of the rapid pace of advance in computer and information technology. Similarly, major broadcasters, cable TV companies, movie makers, and software providers are all prone to benefit from increasingly user-friendly technology for leisure-time activities. B. The American Express Company, Coca-Cola, Procter Gamble, and Wells Fargo are well-known examples of major common stock holdings of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Each of Berkshire’s major holdings are large capital-intensive companies with long operating histories of above-average rates of return. Like any really good business, they display a wise use of assets as indicated by an average ROE that is well above typical norms. Enhancing the attractiveness of these companies is the fact that they also display above-average annual rates of growth in stockholders’ equity. Thus, they can all be described as beneficiaries of high-margin growth. As is often the case, attractive financial and operating statistics reflect essentially attractive economic characteristics of each company. The American Express Company is a premier travel and financial services firm that is strategically positioned to benefit from aging baby boomers. The Coca-Cola Company, one of Berkshire’s biggest and most successful holdings, typifies the concept of a wonderful business. Coca-Cola enjoys perhaps the world’s strongest franchise owner-oriented management, and both predictable and growing returns. Also, the company is not subject to price or profit regulation. From the standpoint of being a wonderful business, Coca-Cola is clearly the â€Å"real thing. Newspapers, banks, and cable TV companies, such as The Washington Post Company and Wells Fargo Company, translate immense economies of scale in production into dominating competitive advantages. They also fit Buffett’s criteria for wonderful businesses. In the case of Gillette, above-normal returns stem from unique products that are designed and executed by extraordinarily capable management. The late T. Rowe Price w as prone to invest in high-tech companies that produced distinctive products. On the other hand, Buffett is fond of saying that he doesn’t â€Å"understand†high-tech and doesn’t want to be blown out of business by a few guys â€Å"working in a garage somewhere. †Of course, Buffett’s thinly-veiled reference to Hewlett-Packard and the Silicon Valley revolution that was started by â€Å"two guys in a simple garage†means that Buffett clearly does understand the problems of investing in hard-to-project high-tech companies. Thus, while Buffett avoids high-tech stocks, T. Rowe Price, if he were alive today, might find compelling the advantages of high-tech companies such as Microsoft, Intel, and Cisco Systems, among others. C. Above-normal returns from investing in wonderful businesses are only possible to the extent that such advantages are not fully recognized by other investors. In the case of T. Rowe Price, early investments in Avon Products, Xerox, and IBM generated fantastic returns because Price saw their awesome potential far in advance of other investors. On the other hand, Buffett has profited by taking major positions in wonderful companies that suffer from some significant, but curable, malady. In 1991, for example, Buffett made a large investment in American Express when the company suffered unexpected credit card and real estate loan losses. When the company absorbed these losses without any lasting damage to its intrinsic profit-making ability, its stock price soared and Buffett cleaned up. Companies that are conservatively financed enjoy a similar ability to profit when an unexpected business downturn causes financially distressed rivals to sell valuable assets at bargain-basement prices . Therefore, while above-average stock-market returns provide the clearest evidence of having picked good businesses for investment, short-term results can be disappointingly average or below-average if the virtues of these good businesses are clearly recognized in the marketplace. More frustrating still is the problem of finding and investing in good businesses at attractive prices and then having to wait while conventional wisdom comes around to recognizing them as such. The overall stock market is extremely efficient at ferreting out bargains and adjusting prices so that subsequent investors earn only a risk-adjusted normal rate of return. For individual investors seeking above-average returns, finding good businesses is a necessary first step, but they must also be incorrectly priced (too cheap). Buffett succeeds because he is unusually adept at finding high-quality bargains. How to cite Scope of Managerial Economics, Essay examples
Resident Communication Interpersonal Skills â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Resident Communication Interpersonal Skills? Answer: Introducation With the increasing ramified economic changes and effective diagnostic tools, each and every person must have effective communication. Communication is the essential factors for the personal and professional live success. If a person could overcome his communication problems in easy and determined approach then he could overcome all kind of problems in effective manner. However, there are several diagnostic tools which could be used by persons to make his communication effective throughout the time (Koprowska, 2014). It is considered that with the use of communication tools and arranged structure could be used to evaluate the possible hurdles and problems in communication intents of persons. Throughout my self-appraisal program, I have realized that I have various issues and problems in my communication styles which could negatively impact my professional and personal life. Effectiveness of communication intents could be gauged by evaluating the core competency of big companies in ma rket when they sell their goods and services to its clients. There are several organizations such as Wesfarmers, Woolworth, BHP Billiton who have created core competency in market by implementing effective communication style. It is considered that if I want to create effective future in my life then I should put my best efforts to evaluate my demerits and non-effectiveness in communication skills by using several diagnostic tools. Diagnosis And Reflection There are several diagnosis tools which could be used to evaluate the communication intents and what measures should be undertaken by the persons to make his communication effective (Kurtz, Silverman Draper, 2016). Throughout my evaluation program with the use of these communication tools, I have realized that I have various issues and hurdles in my communication intents. There are following five diagnostic tools have been used named intercultural communication apprehension, talk holic scale, willingness to listen, Non-verbal immediacy scale and public speaking anxiety. The first diagnostic tool is intercultural communication apprehension which gauge how well I could communicate with others. By using this diagnostic tool I got average 7 marks which reflects that I have ability to communicate more than average. Another diagnostic tool is talk holic scale which reflects how much I talk with others (Psycho-Geometrics). It provides that I have average 6 marks in this diagnostic tools wh ich reflects that I am least initiative persons in extending my words with other persons. After that, another tool is related to willingness to listen, this tool reflect the negative and positive points of my behavior and how well I could listen others to make positive things out of it. It reflects my own demerits to understand other perception. I got average 6.5 marks by using this tool. Another tool is related to immediacy scale which provides who reflectively I response to the actions. I got 6 marks by using this tools which reflects that I am more than average competent in using this communication intent. After that another tool is related to public speaking anxiety. This showcase how I am handling my public speaking issues. I have got 7 marks by using this tool which reflects that I have good understanding on it and should showcase better consideration for other things. These all the diagnostic tools has shown that I need to manage my problems in easy and determined approach. i t is evaluated that if I use these scoring and rating grasped while using these diagnostic tools then it could help me to identify the problem areas. I have observed that I have several issues in communicating with others. If I do not manage these issues and problems then it could put negative impact on my personal and professional life (Reilly Hynan, 2014). It is considered that each and every person has these communication issues. However, by using these diagnostic tools, it becomes easy to identify the problems and issues. If a person could identify the issues in his communications then it could be managed by implementing proper level of training and development program. Nonetheless, I have observed that I should increase my learning strength first then only I could mitigate these problems in effective manner. Another thing is related to implementation of proper training and development program which could be used to increase the overall intents and effectiveness of the working. After evaluating the details and contents of this working program, I have realized that I should consistently communicate with other persons. It is observed that if I talk with unknown persons then it will boost my moral support and increase my strength in effective manner. I could easily understand others perception and it will decrease my anxiety while dealing with others. I have realized that I should not only implement these diagnostic tools but also identify the problems and issues find in this communication program. By evaluating all these diagnostic tools I realized that I have more than average score in my effective communication intents. This shows that i need to make improvisation to make it better and effective (Rosenstein, Linda, 2010). However, there are two communication demerits which I have felt, I need to improve in me. I need to improve my focus while listening others I should increase the collaborative behavior in easy and determined approach. Literatire Review With the increasing ramified economic changes and complex human nature, communication is the most essential intents which is used by humans to transmit required information and data to each others. As per the perception of Stacks, Salwen, 2014), Communication skills could be developed by proper planning and strategic effectiveness, such as organization, staffing, controlling and directing and organization internal and external factors. It is evaluated that each and every human being is having complex and cumbersome behavior. There are several diagnostic tools which could be used to make effective changes in the communication problems and demerits of persons. These diagnostic tools somehow help in making improvement communication styles. For instance, if a person is facing problems in public speaking or anxiety then by using these given diagnostic tools he could evaluate where he went wrong in his communication styles (Shehada, 2016). There are two practical example which could be used to showcase my communication problem that I have faced throughout the time in my personal and professional life. As stated by Wenger, 014) it is memorized that I was attending conferences in my d ads business. I was given opportunity to host fellow gust members in that conferences. I realized that I was shaking my legs and completely shivering throughout the time. I somehow managed to handle that conference and deliver the expected events. Another issue which I faced during that conferences was relate to inter communication problem. I realized that I was losing my confidence when I was taking with other fellow members. This type of problem showcase that I need to managed this issue in my both personal and professional life. I have to understand each and every factor of my life. I realized that I could mitigate these issues if I managed to improve my learning and working style effectively. However, I have realized that if I use various tactics and program then I could improve my own learning outcomes in easy manner. It is evaluated that training and development session could only increase my theoretical mind set and working situation (Simpson, 2015). If I want to make proper changes and mitigation of these issues to increase my rating then I should learn communication intents from my personal life. This will help in developing my own personal and professional life. For instance, while communicating with others I should realized when I am feeling anxiety and find myself in difficult situation. If I could identify these problems and then proper concentration and practical working approach then it could increase my own perceptions and working in effective manner. After evaluating all the problems and issues in my communication style, I have realized that I need to implement proper training and development program to mitigate my issues (Stokoe, 2014). As stated by Cornelissen, (2014) it is observed that if these issues is not managed by me within the time then it will surely impact my own career and personal life. I need to evaluate all the associated factors of diagnostic tools before implementing it to improve my learning communication style (Vangelisti, 2016). These five diagnostic tools could not only help in identification of problems and issues but also increase the effectiveness in handling these issues in determined approach. It is evaluated that anxiety problem while communicating with others increase the heart beat and blood pressure. It could not only ruin the events but also damage the health of person in determined approach. It is evaluated that proper concentration will help in delivering the contents to other persons in smooth way. There are several programs which could be used to make communication effective (West Turner, (2013). Training: This is the proper learning process which could be used to improve the interaction program effective. There is need to learn the particular activities in which concentration of person build up. If these activities are managed in effective manner then it will increase the overall learning (Gutteling, Jan, 2014). Daily meeting with certain unknown person- It is evaluated that there is need to manage the proper functioning and learning process. For instance, if a person is facing communication issues then he should meet with unknown guy on daily basis. This will increase the overall learning and mitigate the possible issues in handling sudden outbreaks (Mazzei, (2014). Teambuilding activities: This is related to developing group discussion. If proper group discussion is taken then it will build the learning styles and spontaneous answers in effective manner. For instance, selecting one topic and answering on it on random basis, increase the effectiveness of communication (Carnmarata McArthur Steeb, 2014). Building effective communication system: It is related to conducting fun activities and participating in consistent development program. This will increase the overall learning style and mitigating the problems while communicating with others. In addition to this, it will also increase the communication intents while taking with other person (Cornelissen, 2014). Therefore, it could be inferred that proper communication and learning program could mitigate these communication issues in effective manner. If persons could follow above given method then it could increase the overall learning in determined approach. This learning process and literature review has shown that if individual wants to mitigate his communication problems then he must consider all the negative facts and problems he face in his personal and professional life. In addition to this, diagnostic tools identified in this process, has shown that I need to improve my communication for the betterment of my personal and professional life (Yudkowsky, Downing Sandlow, (2007). Action Plan S.NO Activity to be executed Total days Initialize date Completion date Action which is to be planned 1 Managing the communication problems 180 Days 1 May 17 30 Nov 17 During this period, proper training program related to communication is implemented. 5 days program is implemented Skills and development program 1 days course action is implemented to learn new communication intents. 2 Interpersonal skill development 31 days 1 May 2017 31 May 2017 This is implemented for total one month which will help in developing interpersonal skills. It shows that if talking to unknown persons is done on random basis for 1 month then it will open up my mind and learning outcomes in effective manner. 2.1 Implementing discussion program 16 days 1 May 2017 16 May 2017 This will accompanied with the open discussion program in which all the procedure and implemented program will be conducted. This will help in implementing proper communication intents. 2,2 Conducting seminars and grasp the details in questionnaire. 15 Days 16 May 2017 31 May 2017 This is filled with proper details and program. It will show case the problems and issues faced in communication styles. 3. Evaluating the communication style 30 Days 1 June 2017 30 June 2017 This is related to implementing proper evaluating program. In this, all the drawbacks and issues are managed to develop effective strategic program. 4. Training session 91 Days 1 July 2017 31 July 2017 In this program proper seminars and training session is conducted. This will increase the overall value of communication program. 5. Conducting program 31 Days 1 Aug 2017 31 Aug 2017 This will accompanied by 1 month learning process. In this program, all the persons and their working would be used to evaluate their merits and demerits in communication style. 6. Conducting meeting and seminars. 183 Days 1 May 2017 31 Aug 2017 This would help in gauging the proper learning outcomes. It will help individual to identify his problems and threats in communication. This will increase the communication intents and effectiveness of working in determined approach. Gantt chart This chart reflects the time period involve in the action plan in graphic way. This help in completing the work in easy and determined approach. References Carnmarata, S., McArthur, D., Steeb, R. (2014). STRATEGIES OF COOPERATION IN DISTRIBUTED PROBLEM SOLVING!.Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, 102. Cornelissen, J. (2014).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Cornelissen, J. (2014).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Dainton, M., Zelley, E. D. (2014).Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage publications. Gutteling, Jan M.Risk communication. John Wiley Sons, Inc., (2015). Heath, R. L., Bryant, J. (2013).Human communication theory and research: Concepts, contexts, and challenges. Routledge. Koprowska, J., (2014).Communication and interpersonal skills in social work. Learning Matters. Kurtz, S., Silverman, J. Draper, J., (2016).Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC press. Mazzei, A., (2014). Internal communication for employee enablement: Strategies in American and Italian companies.Corporate Communications: An International Journal,19(1), pp.82-95. Psycho-Geometrics a somewhat off-beat but interesting self-assessment tool. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the I.T. Serve button to start test. Reilly, A.H. Hynan, K.A., (2014). Corporate communication, sustainability, and social media: It's not easy (really) being green.Business horizons,57(6), pp.747-758. Rosenstein, Linda L. (2010), Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace report of a program at ALA Midwinter 2000, Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 24, no.4 (Winter), 502-503. Shehada, B.A.R.,(2016)Phase-Based Speech Enhancement(Doctoral dissertation, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine). Simpson, C., (2015).Science of coercion: Communication research psychological warfare, 19451960. Open Road Media. Stacks, D. W., Salwen, M. B. (Eds.). (2014).An integrated approach to communication theory and research. Routledge. Stokoe, E. (2014). The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM): A method for training communication skills as an alternative to simulated role-play.Research on Language and Social Interaction,47(3), 255-265. Vangelisti, A.L., (2016). On the importance of communication research.Communication Education,65(4), pp.501-504. Wenger, E. (2014).Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann. West, R., Turner, L. H. (2013). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application (2013 Ed.). Yudkowsky, R., Downing, S.M. Sandlow, L.J., (2007). Developing an institution-based assessment of resident communication and interpersonal skills.Academic Medicine,81(12), pp.1115-1122.
Friday, May 1, 2020
My Cultural Identity Essay Example For Students
My Cultural Identity Essay Outline1 Introduction2 Writing the Cultural Identity Essay: Defining the Notion3 My Cultural Identity Essay: The Key Moments4 Cultural Identity Essay: Historical Foundation5 Conclusion Introduction A person abandoned into the world of mysterious things and phenomena is simply not able to independently realize the purpose and meaning of the surrounding being. He needs a system of reflective orientations that would enable him to identify himself with some kind of recognized pattern. That is why the problem of cultural identity plays a huge role. Writing the Cultural Identity Essay: Defining the Notion Widespread in interdisciplinary scientific circulation, the indicated term is obliged to the argumentative thesis of the American psychologist Eric Erikson. He argued that identity is the foundation of any personality and an indicator of psychosocial well-being, including the following moments: Subjects internal identity in the perception of time and space Matching personal and socially accepted worldviews Feeling of involvement in a community The composition of cultural identity essay related to psychosocial crises in adolescence, in adulthood, profession, or family. Among them, the most painful is the youthful crisis when a young man really faces restrictive cultural mechanisms and begins to perceive his father as repressive one that infringes upon his freedom. Nowadays, the mentioned category is associated with the person’s anxiety of his belonging to a socio-cultural group, which allows him to define own place in a community. Its necessity is due to the fact that each of us needs the orderliness of his life activity. To seek this aim, it is necessary to voluntarily accept some elements of consciousness dominating in a concrete crew, tastes, habits, norms, values and other means of interconnection. The possible hook is hidden in a variety of formats, from ethnic to civic hypostasis. It can be said that an essence of the phenomenon lies in the conscious perception of those cultural patterns of behavior, language, music, which are accepted by members of a particular group. My Cultural Identity Essay: The Key Moments In a lot of papers, it is an axiom to claim that each person is the bearer of the culture where he grew up and was formed as a person. Although in a routine he usually does not notice this, however, when meeting with representatives of alien communities, these features become apparent. In this way, we learn about the existence of various forms of practice or thinking. A variety of impressions about the world are transformed into stereotypes, or expectations, which eventually become regulators of behavior and communication for any individual. In other words, cultural identity is based on the separation of representatives into â€Å"own†and â€Å"alien†. In contacts, a person quickly becomes convinced that â€Å"strangers†react differently to certain phenomena of the surrounding world. With this approach, a stranger is understood as: Foreigner outside of native culture An object, contrasting with the familiar environment Inaccessible sphere Life-threatening subject It would not be superfluous to indicate in the cultural identity essay that person may feel his absolute isolation from the world around him. This is expressed in such painful sensations as depersonalization, marginalization, psychological pathology, antisocial behavior, etc. The loss is also possible due to the rapid changes in the socio-cultural milieu when an individual does not have time to perceive. In this case, it can be massive, giving rise to lost generations. However, similar crises may have positive consequences, facilitating the consolidation of scientific and technological progress, the integration of new cultural forms and values, thereby expanding personal adaptive capabilities. Cultural Identity Essay: Historical Foundation Identification serves as a person’s self-awareness within a particular civilizational break. Racial, ethnic, religious and other forms of discrimination are rooted in the evolutionary need of the individual in certain forms of cohesion. Groups that managed to achieve this effect were able to better adapt to changing situations. .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .postImageUrl , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:hover , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:visited , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:active { border:0!important; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:active , .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51 .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9f376ecdce92e04d4daa5e085c852b51:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Prostitution In Asia EssayIndividual and group cultural identities responded to historical transformations. For example, over the course of ten thousand years of farming domination, individuals have extremely strongly associated with their clans or villages. A person was born as a part of his father and racial group. Ethnicity and religion were asked by his parents or local community. Thus, basic individual and group cultural attachments were determined at birth. In the New Age, the need for cultural identification has survived, but its nature has evolved markedly. Music, national and class types appeared, for instance, care for the elderly was removed from kids to the state. In this era, the nature of cultural identity is also changing. The racial, ethnic, and religious subgroups in each society are segmented into smaller fragments. It is not by chance that we are witnessing aggressive self-organization on the part of such groups as homosexuals, war veterans, who believe that the public treats them unfairly. Such a turbulent social process gets a decisive acceleration thanks to the media and specially addressed publications. In addition, at present, the individual is less bound by the context of his birth and has a large choice in self-determination. Identification of the individual implies his connection with historical past and emphasizes an idea of â€Å"roots†. Ethnicity is produced using symbols like myths, legends, shrines, or emblems. Frequently, there are persons with negative marginal ethnic identity, who balance between two cultures, not mastering the norms and values of any of them in due measure. They experience intrapersonal conflicts and are forced to overcome the next stages of adaptation: Honeymooâ€â€ninterest in the country when everything new surprises and pleases; Cultural shockâ€â€lack of comprehending the customs of local people, difficulties in communication with â€Å"brothers†, confusion; Culminationâ€â€hostility, insomnia, depression, alcohol abuse, the strive to return to the homeland; Awareness of the need to learn a foreign language and prompts Full and long-term habituation, stable changes of a person and his patterns in accordance with the requirements of the environment. Adaptation is accelerated in young persons, single, with higher education and flexible logic, prone to analysis. Low-educated, family, authoritarian, and rigid people adapt slowly, leaving or becoming isolated in their own world. National identity, based on historical memory, is also the driving force of the nation in their advancement to the heights of civilization. However, it can be perverted and claim absolute value. In this case, egocentric nationalism seeks to subjugate all principles. Modern democracy focuses on the dissolution of socio-cultural groups in an impersonal herd, preaching the idea of multi-unity. The indicated concept is grounded in the unity of human nature in the living diversity of its concrete manifestations. The motive of respecting various cultural orientations and beliefs serves a cornerstone of the modern democratic, pluralistic and legal community. Conclusion Thus, one of the basic human needs is a variety of ties with the outside world, which is realized through the cultural identity with ideas, values and social groups. Through close bonds, we can talk about the love of parents or brothers, who have made every effort to strengthen the roots.
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