Sunday, January 26, 2020
Guilt, Shame and Community
Guilt, Shame and Community A shame community is described as a society whose main tool for ruling over is gaining having power over children and continued control over adults in the perpetration of shame and corresponding threat of social rejection. A guilt society is described as a society that is maintained by creating control and consistently strengthening the sense of guilt and the anticipation of reprimanding now for predestined behaviors. Raimond Gaita carefully explains that there is moral challenge in the Australian society in the contemporary society. He arguably disagrees that by keenly depriving the indigenous inhabitants their land the Australian government the most important part of their humanity thereby denying them a chance to enjoy their lives to fullest. In report of bringing them home and Mabo are associated to legal and historical symbols that bring back to what was not given to inhabitants of Torres Strait and Aborigal Islands by taking away the land that formed part of their humanity. Professor Raimond also explains that refuting peoples their humanity is terrible and that it calls a change of attitude and language for the society to remain intact. The drawing on Simone Weil Love sees what is invisible, the professoer recognizes that some ideas can only be understood by the heart. Raimond, sees the Australian High court instituting ruling using wild language and describes the judgment as shameful to those who pay attention with their hearts. There is racial discrimination in the Australian society which is depicted by the phrase, Terra nullius, which is used to imply that Aboriginal people are not full human as the invaders. The latest decisions of Australian High court have been done to bring an end to past injustices and the court had affirmed the full and the same humanity of native people. According to Raimond, those people who were involved in refuting indigenous people their humanity felt guilty, and there was shame to all the members of the Australian society. Raimond belives that just as society should be conceited about national achievements in which people have not been directly involved, the society should also express shame for what wronging its inhabitants and develop a method of amendment to manage the nation shame. Raimond views that if there is no shaming and its consequences, then justice cannot be possible. According to Raimond, true shame societies are reliant on outside sanctions for good behavior not as true guilt societies on an internalized fervor of transgressions. Shame is depicted as an effect to other peoples condemnation. Raimond claims that a society is openly scorned and rejected by fantasying to it that make it ludicrous. According to Raimond, when shame is viewed as a heteronymous forced or involved with issues that are deemed morally irrelevant or insignificant it becomes as a subject of psychological evaluation. Raimond views familiarity of guilt to be socially induced or associated to be ethically irrelevant. Raimond believes that torture, should not be applied to human race during interrogation. But he further adds that in circumstance s where there is a potential threat of terrorism then use of torture should be advocated. Raimond believes the fact that many Australians do not understand what has been substantiated in the report of bringing them home requires to be put in a wider social context. The Australian communitys comment that they never cared enough about Aborigines humanity demonstrates the scope of racial discrimination inAustralia.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Noise Pollution and Its Effects
Noise has a big impact on people all day everyday. But with people not noticing it, makes it hard for anyone to do anyhting about it. It is causing many different problems to people mentally, socially, and physically. There are many ways to help or prevent it, but these changes are not immediately visible, so they are left unattended to. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Exposure to very loud sounds that are enjoyable, and not technically noise to the listener, can lead to hearing impairment.A survey of hearing was tested among youngsters between the ages of 6 and 19. They found that 1 out of 8 of them suffered a noise-related hearing problem. Teens attend dances, equip vehicles with systems, and even work in loud fast food restaraunts. Noises are especially bothersome at night when one is trying to sleep, which is vital to good health. Noise from snowmobiles, jet skis, and supersonic jets has also intruded on the environment, affecting animals’ abilities to communicate, protect their young, and mate.MENTAL HEALTH: Noise pollution is not believed to be a cause of mental illness, but it is assumed to accelerate and intesify the development of latent mental disorders. Some of theses cases would be : anxiety, stress, nervousness, nausea, headache, emotionally instability, argumentatives, sexual impotence, changes in mood, and increase in social conflicts. The news media reguraly report violent behavior arising out of disputes over noise which in many cases these disputes ended in injury or death. SOCIAL HEALTH:Noise is a prominent feature of the environment including noise from transport, industry, and neighbors. Exposure to transport noise disturbs sleep I nthe laboratory, but not generally in field studies where adaptation occurs. Noise interferes in complex task performances, modifies social behavior and causes annoyance. Studies of occupational and environmental noise exposure suggest an association with hypertension, where as community studies show only weak relationships between noise and cardiovascular disease. PHYSICAL HEALTH:Noise health effects are the health consequences of elevated sound levels. Elevated workplace or other noise can cause hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, premature ejaculation, bowell movements, sleep disturbance, death and decreased sexual performance. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been attributed to noise exposure, but evidence is limited. Elevated noise levels can create stress, increase workplace accident rates, and stimulate aggression and other anti-social behavior.PERSONAL GROWTH: It takes a role in everyones life to help lower noise pollution. 1. Noise proof rooms for music or people playing music 2. Don’t slam doors. 3. Turn tv or music off when not listening to it 4. Train your dog to not bark as much. 5. Don’t rev up motorcycle or vehicle unless it is actually needed I nthe drive. 6. Don’t beep your horn â€Å"just cause†only when you need to. 7. Don’t yell. Have civil conversations.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Observing the properties of water Essay
Experiment # 1: Place a drop of water on a smooth plastic sheet or on the bench. Look at it closely from the side. Draw the outline of the drop. How are the molecules held in their place?image00.png The drop of water and the drop of detergent have a different thickness, because the molecules are held differently. The drop of water, in fact, has a higher thickness. The molecules are closed to each other and it’s possible to notice the surface that behaves as an elastic membrane that surrounds and compresses the underlying liquid. There is a force of cohesion that determines the surface tension. Experiment #2: Fill a clean 250 ml. beaker with water to about 1 cm. below the top. Carefully float a small filter paper on the surface. Carefully drop a needle, exactly horizontal, on the paper. Wait until the paper becomes soaked and sinks. Observe the needle carefully. After you have observed it, add one drop of detergent with a glass or plastic rod. the piece of paper floats on the water and then it sinks because it get too wet. the needle continues to float, although its specific gravity is higher than the water’s one, maybe because the water surface forms a kind of membrane ( see: ex.#1), impenetrable by small objects (as the needle). Adding the detergent, the needle has sunk because the detergent breaks the bonds between water molecules that allowed to the needle to float. Very carefully, it’s possible to notice that the water surface gets curved under him ( as when we break a membrane, exactly).image01.png Experiment #3: Place a 250 ml. baker on a quite bench. Carefully, fill it into the brim (the top). Now carefully add water drop by drop until it begins to overflow. Now carefully add small amounts of Ammonium Chloride to the beaker using a spatula. How much can you add before the water overflows? Although we put lots of ammonium chloride, the water didn’t overflow. That’s really strange, because another little drop of water would make it overflow! This happened because the ions of the ammonium chloride attract the water molecules, so they are closer together and therefore they take less space. Experiment #4: Fill a baker to halfway. Scatter chalk dust over the surface. Now add one drop of detergent with a glass or plastic rod. Observe and explain.image02.png The Lycopodium moved immediately when it enters in contact with the drop of detergent. That’s maybe because the detergent is totally not attracted by the lycopodium. [ †¦ ] Experiment #5: Fill a clean 250 ml. beaker to about 1 cm. below the top. Place two glass rods in the beaker, side by side. Where is the water between them? If it’s not easy to see, add some drops of a dye to make water more visible.image03.png Water is just attached to the glass, and it is possible to find it also outside the beaker, in the back of the two glass rods (as shown in the figure). That’s probably because if the space is smaller, the pull is stronger. Glass molecules are bigger than water molecules, so they use to attract them.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Corruption Of Imperialism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of...
It can be said that we as humans have the potential for both good and evil, and that perhaps one trait will prevail over the other when placed in a certain situation. When a person is placed in an unfamiliar and unforgiving setting, they may be introduced to corruption that is present in this situation, possibly causing them to act in a corrupt manner. However, some individuals may maintain their integrity in corrupt situations, and therefore not become corrupt themselves. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad relates to both the idea that an individual can become corrupt in a corrupt environment, and that some individuals can uphold their integrity in a corrupt situation. Both of these reactions can be seen in the main characters of Heart of†¦show more content†¦The symbolism of the ivory further shows how Kurtz has become corrupt, in that his â€Å"outer appearance†is that of civility and morality, whereas his â€Å"inner appearance†is that of corruption and g reed. In addition to Kurtz greed, it can be said that he has become corrupt in that he uses violent means in order to satisfy his greed for ivory. Kurtz’ violent actions can be seen when Marlow describes the dissevered heads in front of Kurtz’ quarters as â€Å"symbolic†rather than â€Å"ornamental†(133). This description of the heads shows the extent to which Kurtz is willing to go in order to obtain ivory and fuel his greed. The symbolism of the heads is once again important in that they are described as â€Å"dark†and having â€Å"shrunken dry lips†. When these descriptions are in connection to Kurtz, it can be interpreted that the darkness is representative of Kurtzs corruption, as dark colours are normally associated with corruption and evil, and the dryness of their lips can be seen as relating to the meaninglessness of Kurtz’s eloquent words in relation to his uncivil actions. However, despite obvious signs of corruption in K urtz, there are still some aspects of him that can be seen as showing integrity. The most prominent example of this is his ability to be truthful about the darkness and corruption in the Congo when most of the other imperialists cannot. His ability to tell theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hearts of Darkness: Post Colonialism850 Words  | 4 PagesWrite a critique of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, based on your reading about post-colonialism and discussing Conrads view of African culture as other. What would someone from Africa think about this work? Heart of Darkness starts out in London and also ends there as well. Most of the story takes place in the Congo which is now known as the Republic of the Congo. Heart of Darkness was essentially a transitional novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. During the nineteenthRead MoreEssay about Heart of Darkness1745 Words  | 7 Pagesin depth review of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, a classical novella that illustrates without bias the motives behind human intentions and the extremes individuals can go to achieve wealth and profits at the expense of others with the aim of shedding insight into the rise of European imperialism, the imperial history, its politics and evil activities in the colonized African tribes along the river Congo during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. The Heart of Darkness is an exceptionallyRead MoreEssay Prejudice, Racism and Power in Heart of Darkness977 Words  | 4 PagesRace and Power in Heart of Darkness    In Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness, the socially constructed differences of African and European cultures are effective in representing the power sites of the time. 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