Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Employees Contribution to the Organizational Safety Culture
Employees contribution to the organizational safety culture Within the developing and growingly complex workplace environments, the focus on safety becomes more and more critical. In a general presentation, the safety in the workplace ensures that the professional operations are completed in a means in which the health, safety and wellbeing of the people are preserved. The means in which the company focuses on safety issues and how it manages them is generically referred to as safety culture. According to Jason Humphries, the safety culture within the firm is defined and characterized by the following: Safety culture is the enduring value and priority placed on workers and public safety by everyone in every group at every level of an organization. It refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to: Personal responsibility for safety Act to preserve safety Enhance and communicate safety concerns Strive to actively learn Adapt and modify behavior based on lessons learned from mistakes, [and] Be rewarded in a manner consistent with these values (Humphries). The safety culture within the company is shaped by the employer, who sets the tone as to how safety is perceived and implemented. Still, the employees can also play an important role in this scenario as they have the ability to influence the means in which safety culture is created within the company. More specifically, the employees can improve the safety culture within theirShow MoreRelatedSafety Culture A Viable Method Of For Directing Worker s Beliefs, Approaches, And Performances Essay1560 Words  | 7 PagesSafety Culture A viable method of for directing worker’s beliefs, approaches, and performances regarding organizational safety. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Kids, Work and Samples of Dialogue Essay
Kids, Work and Samples of Dialogue Essay The simplest approach to decide on the sort of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. Think about the advantages provided by qualified custom paper writers keen to assist you with any academic assignment within urgent deadlines and at economical rates. You are not going to have an organized piece of work if you only quote haphazardly. To conclude, it is dependent on how you use technology. The Death of Samples of Dialogue Essay It is preferable to use direct quotes from the source even if it's spoken material. The format is easily the most important as it dictates whether you're right or wrong in your quotation. You will have the ability to understand distinctive formats of the dialogue quotes. Let your quotes be precise and prevent anything which is not linked to the context of your writing. It's a good idea to use long quotes so long as you adhere to the set rules. There being a selection of quotes, by going through samples and templates you'll be in a position to comprehend how to apply various formats of the quotations. You will know how to apply distinctive quotes in your essay. What You Should Do About Samples of Dialogue Essay Starting in the Next 2 Minutes Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. You need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. Our online writing program is surely at an amazingly affordable course price it's absolutely free! Six students from all over the world meet. It is a good idea to comprehend how to quote your dialogue since if you produce an error whilst quoting it may change the full meaning and bring misunderstanding in your essay. Put punctuation marks in the quo tation marks if they're part of that individual's speech. Don't forget to likewise put 1 quotation mark at the conclusion of the previous paragraph. Dialogues are conversations between people who happen in any story and can act as an effective device employed by students in essays. Using dialogues in your essay is the very best and most effective way to turn your essay stick out among the rest of the works. The most important point is that you must convey the significance of easy dialogue essay topics and offer readers with an instructive story. You're able to use an overall recapitulation of the discussion for a conclusion of the essay. It is essential to discern the difference if you'd like to understand how to write dialogue in an essay. You might not know the technical difference between quoting a source and using dialogue, or perhaps you don't understand how to tell which to have in your essay, or the way to properly incorporate dialogue in your essay. Most Noticeable Samples of Dialogue Essay Your proper comprehension of how to put different source materials into any sort of academic paper has an important part in earning high grades. As soon as you have gathered ideas on this issue, you should properly set your thoughts into words. Show the world what you could do! America could easily utilize reciprocity in education to make the most of the outcomes of dialogue and enhanc e its educational standings as compared with Asia. It is critical to go through various how to quote dialogue examples for you to turn into a specialist in quoting dialogue. Dialogue is simply a conversation between at least two people. Whilst it is just a part of a story that is used to add some creativity and emotional touch to the whole storyline. A dialogue is understood to be a popular and powerful literary technique utilized by authors to depict a conversation between people. So, once you are requested to compose a dialectic essay, there are lots of nuances you ought to keep in mind. If you don't know how to quote a dialogue, then you ought to avoid it since it will mess up your work and change meaning. If you don't understand how to quote dialogue, seek for help since this can alter the meaning of your work and mess this up. The other thing you ought to learn is the way to quote dialogue from a play. Essay writing can be rather a challenge. An essay has to be composed of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Writing a fantastic essay on technology does not need to be difficult. Essay writing examples in doc format like the ones given may help direct you in writing an excellent composition. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. Using length quotations in an essay is not a great practice in writing. There are several helpful and easy techniques that you are able to use to develop a terrific essay topic. Just like any other sort of academic writing, practice makes perfect in regards to dialogue papers. Exposing you to various samples will help you in a number of ways. Even though the state is doing its very best to stop terrorist acts, they will always discover a new approach to bypass the security measures. The efficacy of communication is dependent on each party's clear grasp of the significance of each message. As a consequence, conversationalization methods may result in significant social change, especially in respect to power relations.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Consequences of Oil Spills Informing Planning
Question: Describe about the Consequences of Oil Spills for Informing Planning. Answer: Introduction : The British Petroleum Limited was held responsible for the Deepwater oil spill . the accidental spills follows either from nature or manmade disasters. The damages resulting from such accidental spills and the cost required to perform the cleaning and restoring the ecosystem cannot be quantified because there is a loss of social wealth. The BP Limited in association of Transocean Limited was to drill the well and perform all the drilling activities. Though the US government held only BP responsible for the spills and was held accountable to bear all the cleanup costs , though BP was of the view that the Transocean also was to blame considerably. All the charges imposed by the government were deducted by the company from the taxable income. The company was blamed to not depict the fines or penalties imposed in its income statements except for those under which it has strict liability. And it argued that the reliable amount is difficult to estimate. The damages caused and the lost of e cosystem goods and services could not be assessed as there was no reliable method. The company did not make a clear disclosure of the social damages and the ecosystem details as a result of which the stakeholders of the company would not be able to get a clear picture of the companys performance and it s position and its seriousness when it comes to be a corporate environmental responsible. This calls for the urgency and requirement of stringent environmental accounting standards and reporting guidelines. For any company there would be nothing important that the trust of its shareholders which they have in the company they are investing, and for the company to be ecologically friendly, it needs to work in accordance with the accounting standard of the environment. The loss of social and ecological wealth is a serious matter of concern and it should be accounted for. Discussion : Oil spills poses a major threat to marine inhabitants and it occurs either due to human negligence or due to the random nature of disasters which can be said that it can be accidental as well as intentional. The deepwater oil spill has a severe impact on the environment , economy and the industry as a whole and has severe consequences on the life of marine habitats. The worst oil spill in the history of maritime hampered the biological system and the company BP Limited came up with limited effort in assessing the well being of the people which were harmed by the disastrous spill (Chang et al. 2014). The task of quantifying the damages and loss to social life was difficult as there was no proper methodology followed. I agree with the fact that the impact on economy and ecology was difficult to quantify in terms of time as well as space and money as there was no proper methodology of technically calculating the loss , the company did little for the humans who were directly affected by the spill. Though the industry also experience the losses which is caused to them directly , it is not ethical on their part to ignore the losses and sufferings of the living beings affected. The report has proposed the idea of using political path to resolve the scale of penalties rather technically. The company should be given to follow such regime which follows a process and which makes it mandatory to have a proper risk assessment procedure to determine the risks at its end and the efforts and the plan which could help in mitigating the risks. Marine liability damages needs to be assessed using some powerful tools which is to be used by the courts or plaintiffs is not completely acceptable because the first step toward assessing the risks of environmental damages is in the hand of the company operating. It would be better to follow the approach which is more process oriented rather than relying on the government and regulators. The information about the social damages and the ecosystem which have not been fully disclosed by the company is relevant in assessing the efforts which needs to be required to restore the ecological and social wealth and evaluate the biologica l damages. The multiple Gulf of Mexico states have been affected by BP oil spills and there have been sub tropical and tropical storms including epic which ultimately devastated the thousand of occupations and business (). The trustees and the government finds it difficult to measure and evaluate the loss of goods and services of the ecosystem as there is no proper methodology and rigorous method which can be followed. Apart from the monetary costs involved in negotiating the damages , there should be the efforts of restoring the lost ecosystem. So the proposal of quantifying the damages by way of monetary compensation and promoting the efforts to restore the lost biodiversity and ecosystem should be agreed upon. The process of assessing the risks should integrate the ecosystem services with the biodiversity. The disclosure of the integrated annual report by the company would provide a meaningful format and it would be more reliable(Prendergas and Gschwend 2014). The environmental accounting standards and the guidelines of the reporting should be made standardized : The appropriate disclosure of all the externalities whether social and ecological should be made by the entity being reported. The extent of dependency on the ecosystem and the impact of its operational activities on it should be fully disclosed in terms of monetary as well as non monetary metrics. The amount of water which needs to be consumed in carrying out activities and whether there would be any impact on climate should also be informed disclosed (). The methodology followed in calculating all the environmental transactions which are material and the summary of the table of all the liabilities and the assets and the amount of revenue accruing from environment should be systematically disclosed. The existence of potential gaps between the actual and estimated externalities should be accounted for and explained in detail. The reporting entity should disclose the updated status and the trend of the ecosystem in which it operates. This would form a reference point of ecology for the stakeholders prior to any accidents or any impact. The entity could collaborate with any public institution or any non government organization for the purpose of collection and processing of the data sets of the ecosystem. There should be a structural and disclosure of the ecological impact in a transparent manner(Flammer 2013). There should be some arrangements made by the entity itself to determine the impact of their activities and at the same time safeguarding the measures to reduce the impacts which are significant. The measures taken to mitigate the risks should be assessed in terms of their ecological efficacy (Chartered Accountants Australia And New Zealand - Education). According to the environmental impact assessment, there are some checklist which needs to be considered before engaging in any proposals. The aspects include determining the resilience of the environment when exposed to stresses, the functional relationship of the ecosystem that exists and estimating how much sensible is environment to stress. For the business to sustain it should pre assess some of the potential threats to which it is exposed and accordingly safeguard against it ("Search | IFAC"). The reporting entity should carry out its operations in accordance with the guidelines of the environmental accounting standards. The accounting standards for environment could be amended as per the requirements and it would be more standardized . The organization is liable to undertake the restoration projects and bear the costs of the same in order to enhance the marine inhabitants. Conclusion : The study conducted summarizes the measures and the approaches which the company needs to adopt and follow so as to assess the disasters impact and it calls for the need to address the problems which are brought about by the BP Oil Spills. The impact of the oil spill are influenced by the variety of factors and they are need to be accounted for. There should be mechanisms to assess the loss and damages and the company needs to be proactive in dealing with such accidents. Being The nature of BP oil spill was unusual , the company needs to built better mechanism. The consequences of the oil spill on the environment can be short term or long term and the well being of humans should not be ignored. The company does not make a systematic disclosure of the information regarding the ecological damages and the way of carrying out operations in the environment , so it needs to provide with the detailed information about its environment assessment to its stakeholders. The legitimacy theory cou ld be followed by the company but the disclosures of the corporations should be real and there should be congruency between activities and social values . The environmental reporting of the company should be according to the legislative theory but it has to be advanced in order to examine the variety of disclosures to be realized fully. The BP Ltd does not disclose the ecosystem damage details in its income statements and the amount of penalties imposed is also not clearly depicted , so it should make a systematic disclosure of all the integrated annual reports to its stakeholders .so the theory followed by the company needs to be more sophisticated so that it is bother to make a full disclosure. Though the maintaining of the legitimacy is not as easy as it appears, The disclosure policies of the company needs to be changed in order to gain the stakeholders trust. The problem does not lie with the theory but with the unwillingness of the organization to make a full disclosure of the actual picture of the environmental damages if incurred. The theory should be followed by the company on the occasion of being using it fairly. The legitimacy theory comes with the mechanisms of understanding the need to make environmental and social disclosure by the organization. Reference : "Search | IFAC".Ifac.org. N.p., 2016 Chang, S.E., Stone, J., Demes, K. and Piscitelli, M., 2014. Consequences of oil spills: a review and framework for informing planning.Ecol Soc,19(2), p.26. Chartered Accountants Australia And New Zealand - Education".Charteredaccountantsanz.com. N.p., 2016 Flammer, C., 2013. Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors.Academy of Management Journal,56(3), pp.758-781. Hauge, K.H., Blanchard, A., Andersen, G., Boland, R., Grsvik, B.E., Howell, D., Meier, S., Olsen, E. and Vikeb, F., 2014. Inadequate risk assessmentsA study on worst-case scenarios related to petroleum exploitation in the Lofoten area.Marine Policy,44, pp.82-89. Prendergast, D.P. and Gschwend, P.M., 2014. Assessing the performance and cost of oil spill remediation technologies.Journal of Cleaner Production,78, pp.233-242. Santos, C.F., Michel, J., Neves, M., Janeiro, J., Andrade, F. and Orbach, M., 2013. Marine spatial planning and oil spill risk analysis: finding common grounds.Marine pollution bulletin,74(1), pp.73-81.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Guitar Essays - String Instruments, Guitar, Fingerboard, Fret
The Guitar THE HISTORY OF THE GUITAR The guitar is a fretted, stringed instrument, and is a member of the lute family. It originated in Persia and reached Spain during the twelth-century, where it?s versatility as both a solo and accompanying instrument were established. The theory of the guitar was discovered in the early centuries. They found that the sound of a bowstring could be enhanced by attaching a resonating chamber -most like a tortiseshell- to the bow. From the bow came essentially three main types of stringed instruments: the Harp family, which was the sound of plucked strings indirectly transmitted to an attached sound box. The second was the Lyre family, which was strings of a fixed pitch are attached to the directly to a sound chamber. And the third was the Lute family, this was were the pitch of strings was altered by pressing them against a neck that is attached directly to a sound chamber. Within the Lute family came two groups. The lutes proper which had rounded backs and the guitar type instruments w ith their flat backs. Guitar-shaped instruments appear in stone bas-relief sculptures of the hittites in northern Syria and Asia Minor from as far back as 1350 B.C. The word guitar also has origins in the middle and far east, deriving from gut, is the Arabic word for four, and tar, the Sanskrit word for string. The earliest European guitars did have four courses of gut strings. A 2 course is a pair of strings tuned in unison. These early guitars were distinguished from lutes by body sides that curved inward to form a waist and by four courses of strings. Some but not all early guitars had a flat back, while lutes always had a flat back. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the lute was the dominant fretted instrument. The lute with was pear-shaped and had five or more courses of strings was generally regarded as a higher class of instrument. By 1546 the guitar had gained enough popularity to merit the publication of a book of guitar music. By this time guitars had added another course, and modern tuning had come into existence. Chord positions were the same as they are today. The frets of the early guitars were made of gut and tied around the neck. This made placement of frets very difficult. The early guitars were also much shorter in length than todays guitars. The second most popular instrument during the Middle ages was the cittern. It was more like the modern guitar than any other during that time. It had metal strings, fixed frets, a fingerboard that extended onto the top, a flat back, and a movable bridge with strings anchored by a tailpiece; and it was played with a quill or plectrum(pick). But this modern instrument soon lost its popularity and disappeared by the late 1600?s. Through the 1600?s and 1700?s the guitar design changed very little, although interest increased around luthiers. In the 1770?s the first guitars with six single strings appeared, 3 blowing the evolutionary lid off the instrument. Within the next few decades, numerous innovations followed: body waists became narrower and body bouts changed shape, becoming circular in northern Europe and more oval shaped in southern Europe. Inlaid frets of brass or ivory replaced the tied on gut frets and the neck was extended one full octave(12 frets) clear of the body. Metal tuners with machine heads began to replace friction pegs, and strings were anchored by bridge pins, replacing the method of tying strings to the bridge. By the 1820?s most of the fingerboard extended all the way to the soundhole. As rapidly as the guitar changed so did it?s acceptance. By the 1800?s the Lute had all but disappeared. One of the best known makers of this new-style of guitar was Johann Georg Staufer of Vienna. Staufer and another maker Johann Ertel in 1822 designed a fingerboard raised off the top of the guitar, and experimented with different fret metals, settling on an alloy of brass,copper,silver, and arsenic. The first half of the 19th century was a time of great experimentation for the guitar. And many of the innovations that were credited to 20th century makers were actually tried
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race essays
The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race essays The Influence of the Cold War and the Space Race On the Evolution of Todays Technology A few hundred key inventions have marked mankinds progress from the Stone Age to the Space Age. What were these inventions? Who made them possible? Where would the world be today if the space race would of not been part of our historical progress? Some people believe that mankind would have been better off left alone. This paper will demonstrate that the space race during the cold war has influenced the course of success of a new era of technology in many aspects improving the material prosperity of mankind. Since the early 1900, economic growth and strength of nations have been directly related to the ability of its people to make discoveries and their ability to transform these discoveries into useful products. A large portion of these discoveries where made during the space race of the cold war and became attributable to technological advancement. From the Abacus, the simplest form of calculating to the role of todays computer, from the early telegraph to todays satellite communi cations, from the simplest kite to todays Jet Engine Airplanes, from the first liquid-fuelled rocket to todays Space Shuttle, and much more to come, inventors, scientist, engineers, military forces and governments have all been responsible for those new discoveries made by mankind. Perhaps the most misleading catch-phrase learned in childhood is that Necessity is the mother of invention creating social compulsions no one knows how to control. (The Inventions, pg.8) In the 1980s, people were embroiled in many problems related to the evolution of technology, from those created by the microchip to those unleashed by the H-bomb. In contrast, invention springs from a divine discontent with things the way they are and a conviction that man can do better. It is a conviction mankind should do their best to c...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Causas frecuentes de deportacin en EEUU
Causas frecuentes de deportacin en EEUU En el aà ±o fiscal 2018, Estados Unidos deportà ³ o expulsà ³ a ms de 256.085 extranjeros. No sà ³lo indocumentados sino tambià ©n legales e incluso residentes permanentes. Las causas de la deportacià ³n son fundamentalmente: Una o varias violaciones migratoriasCondena por una o varias felonà as o faltas (misdemeanors)Ser un peligro para la salud pà ºblica o la seguridad nacional Deportacià ³n por violacià ³n migratoria Aunque varias causas son posibles las ms frecuentes son: la entrada ilegal en Estados Unidos (la ms comà ºn)ser un fugitivo de una corte de inmigracià ³nUtilizar documentos falsos para obtener una visaDeterminadas mentiras a un oficial de inmigracià ³n o uno consular Aquà puedes consultar una lista ms completa y con mayor explicacià ³n de lo que son las violaciones migratorias. Tener en cuenta que las và ctimas indocumentadas de ciertos delitos podrà an evitar en algunos casos las deportaciones. Por ejemplo: violencia domà ©stica trata de personas asalto sexualdelitos violentos cuando se colabore con las autoridades ya que se podrà a calificar para la visa U o el programa SIJ para jà ³venes menores de 21 aà ±os que han sido abusados o abandonados. Deportacià ³n por delitos y/o faltas Excluyendo los migrantes expulsados porque han sido agarrados en la frontera o cerca, la mayorà a del resto de deportados tiene un rà ©cord. Lo que pasa es que puede haber una enorme diferencia entre un caso y otro. Asà , los condenados por un delito agravado eran prioridad nivel 1 para ser deportados en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, en el que todavà a gobernaba el presidente Obama. Son ejemplos de delito agravado: asesinatoviolacià ³ntrfico de drogas. trfico de armas, etc. Puedes ver aquà un listado ms completo de los delitos agravados. Pero haber sido condenado por un sà ³lo crimen aunque no sea agravado tambià ©n es causa de deportacià ³n. En general puede decirse que hablamos de un crimen (felonà a) cuando la sentencia mxima que pueda ser impuesta es superior a un aà ±o de prisià ³n, aunque al condenado se le imponga una de menos tiempo. Incluso los condenados por una falta (misdemeanor) pueden ser deportados. En general puede decirse que es un misdemeanor la accià ³n cuya pena mxima no puede superar el aà ±o de prisià ³n. Incluso a veces ni hay crcel, o es suspendida, o hay sà ³lo una sentencia a prestar un servicio comunitario o una multa. Son ejemplos de misdemeanors: Robo de un servicio o una propiedad de poco valor, en la mayorà a de los estados, menos de $500, es lo que se conoce como petty thief.Entrar sin permiso en la propiedad de otra persona.Exhibicià ³n indecenteDesà ³rdenes pà ºblicosMostrarse borracho en pà ºblicoTambià ©n pueden incluirse violaciones de trfico, como por ejemplo, manejar sin licencia, etc. Especial atencià ³n al delito o falta de violencia domà ©stica Desde el 30 de septiembre de 1996 cualquier extranjero condenado por violencia domà ©stica puede ser deportado. Adems, segà ºn cada caso puede ser calificado de delito agravado o inmoral o falta grave, lo que tendrà a consecuencias adicionales. Aunque la regulacià ³n cambia de estado a estado en là neas generales puede decirse que la violencia domà ©stica es un crimen cuando se da entre dos personas que viven juntas como pareja, no es necesario que exista un matrimonio vlido. Adems, hay violencia domà ©stica cuando hay golpes pero tambià ©n cuando hay sà ³lo abuso psicolà ³gico o amenazas. Adems, fuera del mbito de la violencia domà ©stica hay que saber que las relaciones sexuales con menores de edad, aunque sean consentidas e incluso sean con el novio/a pueden dar lugar a situaciones muy problemticas y pueden ser consideradas un delito o una falta. Quà © se debe hacer si se tiene acusacià ³n de delito o falta Si hay una acusacià ³n por un delito o falta es importantà simo lucharla. Contratar a un abogado (en corte criminal pueden poner uno de oficio si no se tiene dinero). Pero lo fundamental es evitar una condena. Y si no se puede, entender bien las posibles consecuencias migratorias. Si lo que se abre es un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ante un juez de inmigracià ³n por una violacià ³n migratoria, aquà sà que el gobierno no pone un abogado si no se puede pagar. Pero es fundamental acudir a las citas con una persona preparada para dar buen consejo legal y luchar,y si se puede la deportacià ³n. Una vez que se han agotado todas las posibilidades de pelear una orden de deportacià ³n o ya no se desea seguir en la lucha es posible que se necesite un tiempo extra por alguna razà ³n grave antes de salir de Estados Unidos. En estos casos la opcià ³n es solicitar un aplazamiento o suspensià ³n temporal de la deportacià ³n (stay). Quà © hay que saber si se produce la deportacià ³n Las consecuencias no son las mismas segà ºn la causa de la remocià ³n. No es lo mismo una deportacià ³n por un delito agravado o por uno inmoral que otra cuando te acaban de agarrar intentando cruzar por primera vez ilegalmente la frontera y eres objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Es asimismo muy importante informarse correctamente sobre en quà © casos se puede pedir un perdà ³n, conocido tambià ©n como waiver o permiso. De interà ©s para migrantes Como se ha dicho al principio de este artà culo, los residentes permanentes pueden ser deportados. Para evitar estos riesgos lo mejor es convertirse en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n tan pronto como sea posible. Estos son los tiempos de espera para los residentes para aplicar por la ciudadanà a americana. Finalmente, los indocumentados deben informarse sobre los caminos realistas para su legalizacià ³n e incluso si les alcanza la proteccià ³n 245(i) para migrantes con peticiones antiguas que fueron aprobadas pero que no finalizaron los trmites. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Professional Identity of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Professional Identity of Nursing - Essay Example The professional image can be recognized as the insights, feelings, beliefs, and ideas that people tend to possess regarding the nurses and the nursing. In the last ten years, it has been observed that there have been major alterations in the images of the nurses. Media has been largely responsible for creating a somewhat derogatory image (Andrew, 2012).  It will also highlight upon the impact of professional regulations and the role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the protection of the public. Value of Modern Nursing In the nineteenth century, nursing was not considered as an identity as well as self-conscious occupation. Until the year 1923, one was free to describe him/herself as a nurse. A sick person was generally provided care at home by the members of the family or he/she was assisted by one or two paid workers. Nursing was regarded as a duty which was an extended part of a woman’s domestic roles (Mortimer, 2005). ... Nursing essentially involves providing care to the vulnerable, needy and weak patients. However, the works of the nurses are often taken for granted and thus they go under-compensated (Stockwell, 2010). The value of nursing is often impacted by cultural alterations and factors associated with globalization, progresses made in the fields of technology as well as medicine (Braxter & Bramfitt, 2008). These factors are crucial in offering a structured as well as evaluated view regarding what nursing is, which will lead to greater job satisfaction among the nurses, better nurse maintenance as well as improved patient care within a supportive as well as the peasant organization (Horton & et. al., 2007). It can be observed that since the mid-1970s, nursing commentators have become highly conscious of the images of the nurses with regard to professional identity by moving in the mass media, claiming the fact that nursing is distorted and poorly comprehended by producers, writers as well as v isual image makers (Horton & et. al., 2007). The modern dilemma faced by the nursing profession has been related to the gendered identity of healthcare professionals. Most of the people have the wrong perception that nurses are generally female. However, the fact is that nurses may either be male or female (NursingTimes, 2010). Social, Cultural and Political Values Physical and emotional closeness along with intimacy are considered to be values that are stimulated by modern nursing feeling in the nurse-patient relationship. They are administered through a form of knowing the patient thereby creating a feeling of proximity (Charles-Jones & et. al., 2003). Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Labor economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Labor economics - Essay Example Employers would want to reduce costs and maximize profits. Therefore, employers will increase the minimum wage and decrease the number of employees to maintain their profitability. Various factors determine the size of the effect of an increase in the minimum wage on employment in perfect competition. First is nonmonetary compensation/ incentives, where employers reduce fringe benefits and increase the minimum wage without incurring additional costs. Second is the increased cost of a product. In the model economy, a corporation that increases its minimum wage reacts slowly to a corresponding rise in the price of its product than its competition in the industry (Card & Kruger, 792). The buyer has the ability to purchase a good at a lower price in a competitive market because he/ she can affect its price. Collusive behavior among buyers that influences the elasticity of the supply curve gives buyers monopsony power. The minimum wage increase might have a positive effect on employment if firms have significant monopsony power (Mangunsong, n.p.). This paper relies on studies such as the analysis of 410 fast food restaurants in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which increased the minimum wage to $ 5.05 from $ 4.25. The study shows reduced employment in each state for companies that were paying the minimum wage of $4.25. The effect was insignificant for those that had their minimum wage at $5.05 (Card & Kruger, 792). However, it is hard to standardized results, since employers face supply limitations in both monopsony and equilibrium models. The range of estimates produced by studies may be invalid due partly to differences in working hours for part- time and full-time employees. Individual skills and in-house job training also affect the results of increasing minimum wages since it affects employee efficiency, which in turn
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Bring Back Flogging Essay Example for Free
Bring Back Flogging Essay First off, I believe we should bring back flogging. We have a problem with prisons now days and I believe flogging can help. Prisons just don’t work. They’re overcrowded, violent, and cost way too much money. They are completely ineffective! I remember back in high school, if we got in trouble we would be suspended or either have ISS. For most people, ISS wasn’t anything but fun; just another regular day at school. That’s how I feel prisons have become. Some criminals will tell you straight up that prison is just a walk in the park, and it shouldn’t be that way! People should dread going to prison instead of not worrying about it. If we brought back flogging, I believe people would be quicker to change their ways rather than spending time in a prison cell. Flogging is humiliating and painful yet quick and cheap! We would see a decline in prisons offering up billions of dollars. Just think what we could do with those billions of dollars. If someone were to be flogged, I think it should be behind closed doors; because if not, that’s where the controversy would start. Although it would be very embarrassing to the criminal to be flogged in front of the public, he/she has rights too. Also, for those who think flogging is cruel, do you not know that prisoners get beat, raped, burned, and assaulted on a daily basis. I think a criminal would take a back ache over being beat, raped, burned, or assaulted any day. I also think flogging should be brought back for the simple idea that criminals can get on with their life and don’t have to completely start all over!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Cognitive Model of New Data on Human Problem Solving Essay -- Psycho
A Cognitive Model of New Data on Human Problem Solving I. Project Description Cognitive modeling is the creation of models which resemble and explain the way in which humans do things. What makes them so interesting to me is the process though which cognitive scientists go in order to create these models. Cognitive scientists often use a generative theory in creating such models. A generative theory is a theory that explains a set of empirical observations by actually generating them (as opposed to just summarizing them or characterizing them with equations or logic). Thus, a generative theory has to be executable, like a computer program or a "recipe". The system on which I'm basing my work is named Cascade (VenLehn, Jones & Chi, 1991). Cascade was originally developed to explain the cognitive mechanisms involved in the self-explanation effect (Chi et al., 1989; Fergusson-Hessler & de Jong, 1990; Pirolli & Bielaczyc, 1989). Simplifying a bit, the effect shows that people learn more effectively by studying examples when they are careful to explain to themselves as many steps of the example as they can. Students who do not carefully explain worked out example steps do not perform as well on subsequent problems. Cascade models the potential learning mechanisms that cause this effect. I now wish to apply the Cascade model to a new problem domain and a new set of psychological data. Originally, Cascade was written to solve problems in Newtonian physics, the domain used in Chi et al.'s study. Since Cascade was first created additional psychological research has been done in other problem domains. Due to the versatility of Cascade, applying the Cascade model to other problem domains would be beneficial. In the fall of 2000 I... ...nnual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Newell, A., & Simon, H. A. (1972). Human Problem Solving. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Pirolli, P., & Bielaczyc, K. (1989). Empirical analyses of self-explanation and transfer in learning to program. In G. M. Olson & E. E. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 450-457). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Renkl, A., Atkinson, R. K., & Maier, U. H. (2000). From studying examples to solving problems: Fading worked-out solution steps helps learning. In L. R. Gleitman & A. K. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 393-398). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. VanLehn, K., Jones, R. M., & Chi, M. T. H. (1991). A model of the self-explanation effect. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2, 1-59.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Homeostatic Imbalances a person on Dialysis Might Face Essay
The human body relies on homeostasis to function properly, so the body makes adjustments constantly to keep balanced within physiological limits. The kidneys in the urinary system are a major workhorse in keeping the body in balance. They regulate the ionic composition of blood, pH of blood, blood volume, blood pressure, blood glucose, production of hormones, and excretion of foreign materials and waste products (Jenkins & Tortora, 2013). If this process fails or there is impairment (renal failure), then a person relies on dialysis to artificially clean the blood, remove excess fluid and electrolytes. The patient will have to go to a facility to have this done on a routine schedule. The dialysis machine uses dialysate solution to maintain diffusion gradients that help with removing waste and add other substances; meanwhile the patient will also be heparinized to prevent clotting during the procedure. Patients with renal disease or renal failure have a lot of electrolyte imbalances an d most commonly will present hyperkalemia (too much calcium). The excess calcium can cause arrhythmias. After dialysis the patient usually will have severe cramping due to the shift in pH and removal of excess fluids (concentration). Patients are at risk for thrombosis, urine retention or incontinence, insomnia, imbalanced glucose, dehydration and hypertension. Homeostasis is key for all systems of the body to function, including temperature regulation. The enzymes have a specific range in which they can work. The patient can help their situation by strictly following a prescribed diet; including proper hydration and getting enough exercise and sleep (Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bone Metabolism and Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease. Connection Between Salt and Water in Maintaining Blood Volume and Blood Pressure Changes Water and salt play an important part in blood volume and blood pressure. The first step in regulation of blood volume is in the kidneys; where water and salt are excreted into the urine, based on the needs of the body. One factor controlling water and salt is based on hormone response. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAAS) hormones effect the release on water and salt into the urine. Sodium is controlled by angiotensin II along the proximal tubule, loop of Henle and the distal tubules. Aldosterone in the collecting tubules also stimulates sodium to move from the tubules into the interstitium, bringing water along as well and increasing blood volume, thus increasing blood pressure. The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is on the end of the distal tubules and allows for more water resorption. Water will reenter the interstitium if the existing is hypertonic by way of osmosis to reduce water loss and urine volume. High blood volume increases blood pressure, which increases the blood flowing through the kidneys (Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts, n.d.). This increases the glomerular filtration rate which will put more water and salt into the urine and then lower the blood volume and reduce the blood pressure because of a higher/faster rate of processing. Homeostasis is always trying to be achieved. References Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts. (n.d.). CVPhysiology. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from http://www.cvphysiology.com/Blood%20Pressure/BP025.htm Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bone Metabolism and Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease. (n.d.). Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bone Metabolism and Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from https://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/guidelines_bone/guide6.htm Jenkins, G. W., & Tortora, G. J. (2013). Anatomy and physiology: from science to life (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Effects of Identity Theft on Social Networking Sites
This research is important because of the rowing risks of Identity Theft, as the blob sites and social networking sites Users population increase, Identity theft crimes also increases. This may help the students to focus on their studies, knowing that they are safe from Identity theft criminals because nowadays, social networking sites are used in sharing information that may help them in their studies. The study is concerned with the various personalities of the student, this is one way to release and expose their creativity to provide interactive materials in preventing identity theft.This is to warn the Users about Identity Theft. This study is conducted for the users to be aware in these existing crimes. This can develop the values of an individual which shows care in their fellow users that can be a victim of identity theft. Being a contributor in decreasing the identity theft in social networking sites deserves honor in the country, it can be not as formal as expected, but it g ives moral to the country. With this research, contributors started to be professionals by sharing their efforts and knowledge to help the country fight against Identity theft.Theft is an unusual act of human being which results too rime that intentionally creates huge problem in our society. Theft builds a serious damage in reputations and accounts in users of computer system, personal properties of users may and can be steal anytime by the fraudsters. Identity Theft is an epidemic which is rising in our society, it affects everybody even the newbie which are new users and adequate users, Criminals for many years improved materials to get easy access in stealing. Identity theft is a serious crime that defrauds millions of dollars from innocent victims.Identity Theft exists because of the advance ways of doing crimes which result to inhuman to inhuman nature act. There are instances that Identity Theft crimes are unrecognized by users that's why criminals are more pursuing the act o f stealing that builds a broken system in our computer society. The effects of Identity Theft really change each and every member of Social Networking Sites, Identity Theft creates damage which is not limited in financial problems, and psychologically users were also affected because of the improper use of their identity that tends to destroy their reputation.Social Networking Sites were also affected; there would be less numbers of users because they are afraid of Identity theft which ends to break rules and security and system in Social Networking sites. If there are mounting problems for sure there would be more alternative solutions for their kind of increasing problem, through implementing rules and laws would be more accurate and flexible in building a strong security and social networking sites and other websites.Security operators and administrators in Internet will also play a big role in preventing and decreasing Identity theft. Since there are different kinds of Theft tha t are existing in our country, students must be aware in these existing crimes to prevent more hilarious situations. Technology was developed because of humans high intellectual abilities and they can create either epidemic crime of precautionary measures in existing crimes. Many people are innocent in fraudsters and criminals that's why they need to improve their knowledge when it comes to cautions about Identity Theft.Unimplemented laws result in increasing crimes that's why it should be release as soon as possible to prevent existing crimes. If we minimize Identity Theft there would be a solid computer system which can be attain through knowledge sharing to the users. Definition of Identity Theft Identity theft is a crime. Identity Theft and Identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic grain stated by the U. S.Department of Justice. With enough information about an individual, a criminal can take over that individual's identity to conduct wide range of crimes like fraudulent use of telephone calling cards, or obtaining other goods or privileges which the criminal might be denied if he were to use his real name. Identity Theft is â€Å"an absolute epidemic†, according to Robert Ellis Smith, a respected privacy author and advocate. It affects everybody, and there is very little you can do to prevent it and, I think, worst of all-?you can't detect it until it's probably too late. Some law-enforcement authorities call identity theft â€Å"the fastest growing crime across the country right now†. In fact, identity theft is the most called-about subject on the Privacy Rights Clearinghouses telephone hotlist. (http:// www. Identifying. Org/). In many cases, a victim's losses may include not only out-of- octet financial losses, but substantial additional financial costs associated with trying t o restore his reputation in the community and correcting erroneous information for which the criminal is responsible. (http://www. ]justice. Gob/criminal/ fraud/websites/theft. HTML) Coming from the answer of Anna Marie Estonia, a sophomore IBIS student of PUT, Identity Theft is a form of stealing someone's identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person's identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name. Therefore, the researcher concludes that Identity Theft is a Technological act of Theft, this involved High Technological objects Oriented Materials which are used in stealing. As our Technology develops many crimes were developed as well because of the improper use of internet and computer system.Identity Theft implies the low security in accessing internet and other online sites which can cause devastation in other users. Many cases were not yet settled with regards to this manner and many imp lemented subscriptions were in act to support the anti-Latinity Theft in Social Networking Sites which can help many recent and future users. The Concept of Social Networking Sites More and more, people are turning to the Internet to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Social networking sites (SONS), make staying involved quicker, easier – and more fun – than ever before.However, Social Networking Sites have drawbacks. These relate to privacy. While you can protect yourself, you can't control what others post about you – a growing concern as employers are beginning to search out information about new and potential employees. As there are few erasers to fraudulent usage, there is significant risk of misrepresentation. A user should also monitor the terms of use for SONS – they have been known to change without notice. People have also been known to become addicted, spending so much of their time on these sites that their real lives suffer. 5 minute Guide to Social Networking Sites) Social Networking sites are social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system; articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view ND traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. (http://]CM. Indiana. Du/via/issues/Boyd. Ellison. HTML) There are dating sites, friendship sites, and sites with a business purpose and hybrids that offer a combination of these. Globally, hundreds of millions of people have Joined one or more social sites. Whom. PCMCIA. Com) From the response of Noel Angelo Magellan, Social Networking Sites are more likely a virtual place where people in the world can communicate and interact with each other socially and as explained by Christine Marie Tyson, Social Networking ties are used for communicating our love ones in other places in the world, our long lost friends, used for worldw ide meetings and many more. In short, communicating people's lives to another person around the world. Example of this sites are Faceable, Twitter, Renee, Webb, mayday and many more.To sum it up, Social Networking Sites are made for the purpose of social interaction – connecting and communicating with one another around the world through internet. Describing the Cases of Identity Theft Law enforcement agencies have developed new methods and new relationships to catch the bad guys in cyberspace. Some cases include Reshipping and Pushing. Reshipping is an operation in which conspirators or unwitting accomplices in the United States are hired to receive packages of electronic or other merchandise bought with fraudulent or stolen credit cards, and then repackages the merchandise for shipment, usually abroad.By the time the merchant finds out that the credit card was fraudulent, the merchandise is already in another country. Pushing is the act of attempting to steal passwords and financial information by posing as a trustworthy person or business in a seemingly official (spoofed) electronic communication. Daniel Larkin, Fighting Online Crime) It may seem that there are some countries like the United States and Australia which have already enacted laws that pertain to the prosecution of identity theft related crimes. The Philippines however, being one of the largest Faceable populations in the world -? is also one of the many countries without a law to protect its citizens from online identity theft. Clogging is one of the many online problems involving identity theft. A Kellogg is software that tracks your keystrokes and records them so that a hacker can go back later and see what sites you visited, what information you submitted and more. Gallopers work invisibly in the background and are impossible to detect without security software. (www. Agro. H) As explained by Christine Marie Tyson, cases of identity theft nowadays can do anything like, chatting with strangers to get close with them, pushing, hack one's account in order to get some benefits of their victims, impersonates someone else in order to conceal their own true identity, getting somebody else's photos and information through social networking sites and portray or imitate the identity of the victim. To summarize the discussion, the one thing that all of these attacks have in common though is the very thing that binds social networks together: trust.We need to become far more aware of the value of our personal information and importantly the information we have about your friends. Effects of Identity Theft in Social Networking Sites The growing popularity of social networking sites (SONS) among the Internet users demands an introspection of personal and social behavior of human beings. Today 1. 5 billion people across the world have their profiles in social networking sites. SONS becomes a reason for anxiety and addiction.The beginning of social networking sites started to make contacts with people and build a network of healthy relationship in the society. But now it seems offering cybernetics's a great advantage to target victims. (International Journal of Business and Social Science) As stated by Risk Ferguson, Senior Security Adviser of Trend Micro, â€Å"With explosive growth and user populations of this order it's hardly surprising that these services also appear to be coming of age as attack platforms for cybernetics's. Web 2. With its user-generated, rich, interactive content and social networking with its interlinked trust-based networks of people and groups, offer cybernetics's great scope for leveraging the capabilities offered, both to disseminate traditional forms of mallard through new channels and also to carry out social engineering attacks for the purposes of target profiling or identity theft†. (http:// hosted. Personalities. Com/358216/affection/1746500010/cybercafà ©/) Based on the answer of Paul Francis del Rosaries, †Å"It can affect the site's popularity.Some people would probably quit using the site if their image or identity were used in ways that they did not know about. The site would have reduced users which would also affect their income rate. Because social networking sites usually depends on how many users they have on their site for example is the â€Å"Faceable†. †To sum up, with limited government oversight, industry standards or incentives to educate users on security, privacy and protecting your identity, users are then exposed to identity theft and fraud.Additionally, these platforms have terabytes of confidential user information and are likely vulnerable to outside (or inside) attack. Although the issue is not yet in the mainstream conscious, it may well e sooner or later. Cyber laws have to be fortified with advancement of rules as if violators cannot escape committing a crime, at the cost of societal value. Ways on how Identity Theft can be avoided As with any cri me, you can't guarantee that you will never be a victim, but you can minimize your risk These are some of the tips that can make you and your family, safe on social networking sites : 1) Change the profile privacy now.Keep your information accessible only to people in your friend list. 2) Don't post very personal information on the profile. It includes your email ‘d, date of birth, contact number, mom address and information about your family members. Just like in the real world, it is not possible to completely protect oneself from a crime like identity theft. But there are many safeguards you can adopt to protect your identity. 1 Protect your wallet. Some people keep a lot of stuff in their wallet – credit card charge slips, deposit slips, and all IDs, including their ASS and TIN cards.Minimize your risk by keeping items with personal information in a safe place home. 2. ) Protect your computer. Use anti-virus software, as well as firewall and anti- spare software. Th is will help deter criminals' efforts in stealing your personal information. Coming from the answer of Mark Angelo Menace, mostly, celebrities are the victims of Identity theft and it can be avoided in a form or way of privacy. Celebrities should have privacy in other aspects of their life. In the side of the poser or the theft, self-discipline is the best way to avoid this.Another is, other people can report cases like Identity theft. Overall, people should be contented on who they are and what they have and with that there will be no more cases like these. As a conclusion, these are many ways in minimizing Identity Theft; we Just eave to implement it and continue to maintain the security of our computer system. The simplest way in minimizing this increasing numbers on thieves in Identity theft crisis is by Just being responsible enough in our belongings. Minimizing Identity theft will lead to a better computer system.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How To Use Spanish Interrogative Pronouns
How To Use Spanish Interrogative Pronouns Interrogative pronouns are those pronouns that are used almost exclusively in questions. In both Spanish and English, interrogative pronouns are typically placed at or very near the beginning of a sentence. The Spanish Interrogatives Following are the interrogative pronouns in Spanish with their translations and examples of their usage. Note that in some cases the pronouns can vary in translation when they follow a preposition. Also, some of the pronouns exist in singular and plural forms and (in the case of cunto) masculine and feminine forms that should match the noun they stand for. quià ©n, quià ©nes - who, whom -  ¿Quià ©n es tu amiga? (Who is your friend?)  ¿Quià ©n es? (Who is it?)  ¿A quià ©nes conociste? (Whom have you met?)  ¿Con quià ©n andas? (Whom are you walking with?)  ¿De quià ©n es esta computadora? (Whose computer is this?)  ¿Para quià ©nes son las comidas? (Whom are the meals for?)quà © - what (The phrases por quà © and para quà © are usually translated as why. Por quà © is more common than para quà ©. They are sometimes interchangeable; para quà © can be used only when asking about the intent or purpose of something happening and can be thought of as meaning what for.) -  ¿Quà © es esto? (What is this?)  ¿Quà © pasa? (Whats happening?)  ¿En quà © piensas? (What are you thinking about?)  ¿De quà © hablas? (What are you talking about?)  ¿Para quà © estudiaba espaà ±ol? (Why did you study Spanish? What did you study Spanish for?)  ¿Por quà © se rompià ³ el coche? (Why did the car break down?)  ¿Qu à © restaurante prefieres? (What restaurant do you prefer?)dà ³nde - where -  ¿Dà ³nde est? (Where is it?)  ¿De dà ³nde es Roberto? (Where is Roberto from?)  ¿Por dà ³nde empezar? (Where do we begin?)  ¿Dà ³nde puedo ver el eclipse lunar? (Where can I see the lunar eclipse?) Note that adà ³nde should be used when where can be substituted with where to with no change in meaning. adà ³nde - where to, to where -   ¿Adà ³nde vas? (Where are you going to? Where are you going?)  ¿Adà ³nde podemos ir con nuestro perro? (Where can we go to with our dog?)cundo - when -  ¿Cundo salimos? (When are we leaving?)  ¿Para cundo estar listo? (By when will it be ready?)  ¿Hasta cundo quedan ustedes? (Until when are you staying?)cul, cules - which one, which ones (This word also can often be translated as what. Generally speaking, when cul is used it suggests the making of a selection from more than one alternative.) -  ¿Cul prefieres? (Which one do you prefer?)  ¿Cules prefieres? (Which ones do you like?)cà ³mo - how -  ¿Cà ³mo ests? (How are you?)  ¿Cà ³mo lo haces? (How do you do it?)cunto, cunta, cuntos, cuntas - how much, how many -  ¿Cunto hay? (How much is there?)  ¿Cuntos? (How many?) - The masculine form is used unless in context it is known you are referring to an object or objects that are grammatically femini ne. For example,  ¿cuntos? might mean how many pesos? because pesos is masculine, while  ¿cuntas? might mean how many towels? because toallas is feminine. Using Interrogative Pronouns As you may have noticed, the interrogative pronouns are all spelled with accent marks that do not affect the pronunciation. Many of the interrogative pronouns also can be used in indirect questions (as opposed to questions) while retaining the accent mark. Note also that many of the interrogative pronouns can be used as other parts of speech, including adjectives and adverbs, either with or without the accent marks, depending on the context.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Exercise for Homework Time Management
Exercise for Homework Time Management Do you find yourself rushing to complete your homework assignment at the last moment? Are you always starting your homework when youre supposed to be going to bed? The root of this common problem may be time management. This easy exercise will help you identify the tasks or habits that take time away from your studies and help you develop more healthy homework habits. Keeping Track of Your Time The first goal of this exercise is to get you to think about how you spend your time. For instance, how much time do you think you spend on the phone per week? The truth may surprise you. First, make a list of common time-consuming activities: Talking on the phoneEatingNappingListening to musicLoungingWatching TVPlaying games/surfing webSpending time with familyHomework Next, jot down an estimated time for each one. Record the amount of time that you think you devote to each of these activities per day or week. Make a Chart Using your list of activities, create a chart with five columns. Keep this chart on hand at all times for five days and keep track of all the time you spend on each activity. This will be tough sometimes since you probably spend a lot of time going rapidly from one activity to the other or doing two at once. For example, you may watch TV and eat at the same time. Just record the activity as one or the other. This is an exercise, not a punishment or a science project. Dont pressure yourself! Evaluate Once you have tracked your time for a week or so, take a look at your chart. How do your actual times compare with your estimates? If you are like most people, you may be shocked to see how much time you spend doing things that are unproductive. Does homework time come in last place? If so, youre normal. In fact, there are many things that ​should take more time than homework, like family time. But surely there are some problem areas that you can identify as well. Are you spending four hours a night watching TV or playing video games? You certainly deserve your leisure time. But to have a healthy, productive life, you should have a good balance among family time, homework time, and leisure time. Set New Goals When tracking your time, you may find that you spend some time on things you just cant classify. Whether were sitting on the bus staring out the window, waiting in line for a ticket, or sitting at the kitchen table gazing off in the distance, we all spend time doing, well- nothing. Look over your activity chart and determine areas you could target for improvement. Then, start the process over again with a new list. Make new time estimates for each task or activity. Set goals for yourself, allowing more time for homework and less time on one of your weaknesses, like TV or games. You will soon see that the mere act of thinking about how you spend your time will bring about a change in your habits. Suggestions for Success Dont work alone. Some of us need support to stick to something. A little competition with a friend always makes things more interesting. Work with a friend, compare notes, lists, and charts. Make a game of it!Include your parent. Get your mom or dad involved and have them keep track of the time they waste. Now that might be interesting!Negotiate a reward system. Whether you work with a friend or a parent, work out a system for rewarding yourself for progress. If working with a friend, you could agree to provide lunch or dinner for the time-saving winner each week.If working with a parent, you could negotiate an extended curfew for every increased minute devoted toward homework. Perhaps you could even substitute dollars for minutes. The possibilities are endless!Have a party for reaching a goal. Even if youre working on your own, you could promise yourself a party as a reward for reaching a specific goal.Make it a class project. This would be a great project for an entire class. The t eacher or group leader could keep track of progress with a flow chart. When the class reaches a goal as a group- its party time!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Metropolis reivew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Metropolis reivew - Essay Example As The Guardian observer said, Metropolis predicted the ideology of the class and race in 20th century (Bradshaw). Metropolis in a very distinct and accurate way combines social criticism, science fiction, psychological narrative and powerful love story. The combination of these factors makes it incredibly interesting to watch and impossible to ignore its huge contribution to the cinema medium and science fiction genre. Fritz Lang’s masterpiece is full of allegories, symbols and metaphors, but nevertheless it tells quite simple story though makes it in a way that makes viewer feel involved. The story tells us about the struggle between two different classes, which are represented by the love-duo of Freder and Maria who met each other by chance. The struggle takes place in the dystopian futuristic city of Metropolis which is ruled by indolent and cruel industrialists, who live in big skyscrapers and oppressed laborers who live underground. As you can see, Mr. Lang puts working class under the ground literally where they work hard so the city can stay alive, no matter what the cost is. Real millionaires of that time would be probably happy to put rebelling working class out of their minds and sight -under the ground. In the era of industrial progress when machines started taking control over the manufacture and human life in general, Metropolis turned out to be especially up-to-date. This industrial circumrotation was portrayed as horrible and fearful Molloh which can obviously be interpreted as Biblical symbol. While in real life hard-working families were hungry and op pressed with their job being taken from them and given to machines, Molloh-machine eats workers like a hungry giant or a savage beast in the movie. As Mr. Roger Ebert said, Metropolis forestalled countless symbolic and futuristic cities of the many films to come (Ebert). The City of Metropolis is a symbol of inequity and oppression because it is built with unhappiness and
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